Sharpe's Honour Roll
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Number of entries: 43 Number of pages: 5
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Number of entries: 43 Number of pages: 5
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Sorry for anyone having previously signed in the Guestbook. There was a catastrophic server failure a few weeks ago and I had to restore the whole site from a backup. Sadly, the backup did not include the Guestbook entries. Please, sign the Guestbook even if you have signed before. I promise that the backups now includes the Guestbook entries.
Sorry for anyone having previously signed in the Guestbook. There was a catastrophic server failure a few weeks ago and I had to restore the whole site from a backup. Sadly, the backup did not include the Guestbook entries. Please, sign the Guestbook even if you have signed before. I promise that the backups now includes the Guestbook entries.
Added: March 26, 2012
Powered by PHP Guestbook by PHP Scripts
Name: Lina
From: USA
E-mail: Contact