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British Army Officer
Lieutenant Provost
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Gold Book & TV
Story Contribution:
A stickler for the rules and a tattle-tale. When Sharpe defends his useless Private
against a charge of stealing a chicken at the point of a gun, Ayres complains and
Sharpe is nearly court-martialled, if not for the influence of his friends Lawford
and Hogan.
In the TV version, Ayres, even more objectionable, accompanies Sharpe
into the mountains and dies trying to rescue Ellie Nugent.
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David Baird
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Tiger (Book)
Sharpe's Prey (Book)
Story Contribution
Tough and uncompromising. Baird’s hatred of Indians, fuelled by a long
stay in the Tippoo’s dungeons, precludes him from the job of Governor once
the British take Mysore. The job goes to his rival Wellesley. It was Baird
who came up with the plan for rescuing McCandless. He sees Sharpe as a good tool albeit a bit rusty and unhoned and later intervenes with Sharpe's plans to leave the Army by sending him off on the mission to Denmark.
Baird returns to action with Moore during the Corunna campaign. When Moore is fatally wounded, Baird assumes command of the army, only to be wounded too. It is the only time that he holds command of an army. After Corunna, he never holds command in the field again.
Horace Bamfylde
Naval Officer (Book)
Army Officer (TV)
Captain (Book)
Lieutenant Colonel (TV)
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Siege (TV)
Sharpe’s Siege, Revenge (Books)
Story Contribution
Pompous, young, handsome, inexperienced, overly concerned with his own self importance, Bamfylde takes the credit
for Sharpe's capture through subterfuge of the Teste de Buche fort, homeplace of the Compte de Maquerre, a French agent in league with Ducos.
A glory seeker, Bamfylde is easily swayed into abandoning the
fort when informed Sharpe is killed. Sharpe subsequently returns to find himself and his men stranded with little ammunition and the fort's defenses disabled and General Calvet's brigade at his doorstep. Upon his return to the British lines, Sharpe challenges Bamfylde to a duel (Book). For TV, Bamphylde returned to report to Wellingon only to have Sharpe appear alive. He is arrested on a charge of treason, among others.
Jean Luc Barbier
French Cavalry officer
Sharpe's Gold (TV)
"Please, I wish to make surrender."
Story Contribution
Barbier is a young French cavalry officer who attacks Sharpe
and his men while they are on their way to deliver rifles to El
Casco. He retreats and is later attacked in return by Sharpe. He attempts
to fight Sharpe but runs off after one sword parry. According to the log that
he leaves behind with a dead partisan, he plans to attack El Casco but his remaining
men are in turn attacked by El Casco's partisans. Escaping, he witnesses the
human sacrifice of his men by the partisans and flees only to run into Sharpe.
Sharpe enlists his aid to create a diversion so he can attack the caves.
Sharpe's Prey (Book)
Story Contribution
Works for Lavisser. Tries several times to kill Sharpe. Sharpe kills Barker at Lavisser’s Copenhagen house.
Miguel Bautista
Colonial Governor of Chile
Captain General
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Devil
Story Contribution
Corrupt, excessively fashionable and homosexual, Bautista, once a promising soldier, has decided
to milk the Spanish colony for all he can for wealth and career opportunities before returning
to Spain. When Sharpe returns with Cochrane and the rebel forces,
having survived several Bautista-arranged assassination attempts, Bautista kills
himself in a failed suicide pact with his companion, Marquinez
in preference to being taken prisoner.
Percival Beauclare
Commander of a Prisoner Escort Detail
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Peril
Story Contribution
A polite, good-natured, likeable young man. Ensign Beauclare is young and inexperenced, a teen who should be back at school with his mates, but instead finds himself as a young officer in the King's Army in India in charge of the prisoner escort detail taking Corporal Barabas Hakeswill to Calcutta. Unsure of himself following an attack by bandits, Beauclare is happy to have the aid of the notable veteran Sharpe assume command of the column. He conducts himself admirably, salvaging the Beauclare name that his father had disgraced at Vitoria, but dies from a bayonet wound gained in action during the final fight against the renegade Dragomirov.
Dominique, Countess of Benfleet
Place of Origin:
Normandy, France
Sharpe's Devil (Book)
Battleflag (Book)
Story Contribution
Sharpe's daughter by Lucille, Dominique marries an English nobleman with a castle and raises five children.
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Eagle
Story Contribution
The stupid one in the book, the nasty one in the TV version, Berry serves with
Christian Gibbons and participates in the attempted
rape of Josefina. At Sir Henry Simmerson's instigation,
he sets Sharpe up for a duel that he is sure he will win but is thwarted by
Wellington's edict against dueling when Hogan sends him out on a scouting mission
with Sharpe, knowing that one of them will not come back alive.
He succeeds in wounding Sharpe when they are attacked by a French patrol and
follows behind Sharpe as he takes cover in some bushes to tend to his wound.
Harper finds them as Berry is torturing Sharpe before killing him and uses a
bayonet to finish him off. In the book, Sharpe takes
his revenge by way of a knife on the battlefield.
Mary Bickerstaff
Army Wife
Place of Origin:
Calcutta, India
Sharpe’s Tiger
Story Contribution
Daughter of an English Engineer Sergeant and Indian mother, Mary had no future
other than to marry into the British Army. Currently the widow of Sergeant Jem
Bickerstaff, she is looking to be the first Mrs. Sharpe
before she gets a better offer from Kunwar Singh.
She accompanies Sharpe and Lawford on their mission into Seringapatam, scared
that should she stay behind that Hakeswill and Morris will sell her to a local
skin peddler. Once inside the city, she finds her situation comfortable and
is given an opportunity to marry well and remain among her mother's people.
Sharpe understands her reasons to stay behind and wishes her well.
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Mission (TV)
Story Contribution
Tall, scarred, noble, a racist, a bully, a thief, a killer and a traitor, Brand
is a role model to Sharpe. Sharpe sees Brand as brave
and as dashing as his wife does, and indulges in a spot of hero worship until
he realizes Brand's true colours.
At first envying Brand's freedom to operate as he will, Sharpe soon realizes Brand's
men are no more than a pack of mercenaries raping and pillaging their way across
the countryside, ruthlessly never leaving behind any survivors to complain.
Discovering Brand's evil, Sharpe decides to let Brand's own trap swing
shut on himself, with Harper showing Brand's Sergeant some street
justice. Sharpe has Ross conduct a field court-martial while the French close in.
Found guilty, Brand mocks Sharpe, knowing he'll get away with it, and Sharpe,
hating to admit Brand is right, pushes him down a well.
Brand does get away with it, as Ross, at the suggestion of Wellington, wishing to get on with the war with as few distractions as possible, lies in the official records that
Brand died with honour, so as to avoid any inquiries by Horse Guard.
Sally Bunting
Matron of Foundling Home
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Justice
Story Contribution
Sally grew up in the same Foundling Home as Sharpe
and Matt Truman, helping them to survive the brutality of the home. She
knew the secret that they were really half brothers and the details of the death and burial of Lizzie Sharpe. Sally also provided
the only romantic interest for Hagman in the entire series.
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Colonel Cailleau
French officer
Chef du Battalion
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Christmas (short story)
Story Contribution
Bad tempered, he shot Ensign Nicholls under a flag of truce, and was shot in turn by Colonel Gudin for this breach of protocol.
Jean Calvet
Career soldier
General, though Calvert, like Sharpe, has risen through the ranks.
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Siege, Mission, Revenge (TV)
Sharpe's Siege, Revenge (Books)
"In Russia, I ate one of my corporals."
Story Contribution
Tough, loyal, well loved by his men and fair with a knack for survival, Calvet,
like Sharpe, has risen up the ranks by merit alone.
He is also a veteran of Napoleon's disastrous winter
campaign against the Russians. Calvet is not shy about the fact that he survived
by eating the bodies of his dead men. Ducos thinks
him an oaf, but Calvet is a brave and professional soldier who has no time for
airs and graces. He is also food obsessed, going to great lengths to obtain
bacon, etc, probably as a result of starving on the Russian front.
Calvet learns a grudging respect for Sharpe during their confrontation in
Siege. Calvet sees Sharpe as another honest soldier, though the trick
with the lime annoyed him. Calvet actually ends up assisting Sharpe
clear his name in Revenge, though Calvet's true goal is to recover the
Lady Anne Camoynes
Dowager Countess Camoynes
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Regiment, Justice (TV)
Sharpe's Regiment (Book)
"The only part of me he's kissed is my hand, and for that
I was glad to be wearing gloves."
"The price you would have to pay, Sir Henry, would
have the shirt off your back long before come to bedtime."
Story Contribution
Beautiful, cold, elegant and ruthless, yet vulnerable, Lady Anne sees Richard
as a means to rid herself of Lord Fenner, who has
purchased her as well as her late husband's marker. She now finds herself paying
off her late husband's debts by serving Fenner in whatever capacity he demands,
usually in his bed.
Surprisingly, she finds Sharpe a diversion as well as an
ally, bedding him in payment for each favour she grants him, supplying him with
as little information as he needs and sending him on his way. Sharpe fails though,
and it is Lady Anne who saves the lot of them by preventing the destruction
of Simmerson's ledgers.
She forgives Sharpe though, having gotten what she wanted anyway, and she returns
to again offer insider information for an intimate transaction in Justice.
She makes it plain that he chose foolishly when he chose Jane Gibbons to be
his wife and teases him with bits of information about her's and Rossendales
whereabouts and activities.
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Regiment (TV)
Sharpe’s Regiment, Revenge, Waterloo (Book)
Story Contribution
One of the foppish, arrogant officers discovered dining and playing parlour
games in the deserted Chelmsford barracks by Sharpe who has turned up at Chelmsford in search of the second batallion of the South Essex.
Despite bad first impressions, Sharpe takes Carline back to Spain to fight with
the South Essex. He turns into a fine officer that Sharpe regrets is killed
in action at Quatre Bras.
Lucille Castineau nee Lassan
aka Madame la Vicomtesse de Seleglise (Book)
nee Maillot (TV)
Place of Origin:
Normandy, France
Sharpe's Revenge, Sharpe's Waterloo (TV)
Sharpe's Revenge, Waterloo and Devil (Books)
Sharpe's Ransom (Short Story)
Story Contribution
Tall, dark, Gallic, thin with a long sharp nose, Lucille thinks herself not
as beautiful as Jane, but she has a greater beauty
inside, as well as strength and compassion, and becomes the love of Sharpe's
life. Never able to marry Sharpe due to inability to afford a divorce from Jane,
she remains Sharpe's companion for the rest of his life and the mother to his
son, Henri Patrick (see the Starbuck series of books),
and his daughter, Dominique.
Sharpe first met Lucille when she shot him, thinking him responsible for her
brother Henri's death and that he has come back for
her. Sharpe had in fact been seeking Lassan, hoping the French officer would
exonerate Sharpe of the charges Ducos had plotted
against him. When Frederickson, who has decided that
a soldier could indeed marry and feels she is a perfect candidate, leaves to
pursue Ducos, Lucille is forced to tend Sharpe as he recuperates from the her
shooting of him. As Sharpe recovers from his wounds (in the book he was also
shot in the shoulder and lost part of his ear), he is at first very bad tempered
and rude, but, with no other company, he is forced to learn French, and soon
there is a strong mutual attraction between the two. In the books, there is
nothing to stop Lucille conceiving Sharpe's child, but on the screen Sharpe,
very uncharacteristically, refuses to break his marriage vows until Harper
tells him Jane has taken Rossendale as a lover. Thus
poor Frederickson returns and finds he has indeed left the fox guarding the
hen house, and his friendship with Sharpe never recovers from this blow.
On TV Sharpe returns to England, to confront Jane and Rossendale, but not before
Lady Anne convinces him to be unfaithful to Lucille,
though Sharpe initially refuses her first advance. He returns to Lucille, because
in both book and film, it is with Lucille that he has decided to spend his life.
Later, in Sharpe's Challenge, Lucille is said to have died of a fever, leaving Sharpe open to further romantic entaglements.
Guy Challon
French Soldier
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Revenge (TV and Book)
Sharpe's Ransom (Short Story)
Story Contribution
Brutish and dull witted. Challon is the hired muscle in
Ducos’ plan to destroy Sharpe once and
for all by setting Sharpe up to be accused of theft while Ducos himself
absconds with the jewels.
Challon is Ducos' eyes and ears during the court martial proceedings where Sharpe is tried for absconding with Napoleon's Treasury.
Challon shows up at Chateau Lassan nearly two years later still looking for
the treasure.
Private (Sharpe’s Company)
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Company (TV)
Sharpe’s Company, Waterloo (Books)
Story Contribution
Husband of Sally Clayton, the prettiest wife in the Regiment and a target of Hakeswill's evil intentions. He is a useful man to have around as he is amiable and can read, write and keep the books. On TV, he is killed in the breach at Badajoz, in the books, Clayton doesn’t make his wife a widow until Waterloo, after which, she takes up with the newly-promoted Sergeant Charlie Weller, a situation that Clayton had acceptingly contemplated before the battle.
Sally Clayton
Army Wife
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Company (Book, TV)
Sharpe's Waterloo (Book)
Story Contribution
Sally was one of the wives lucky enough to officially accompany her husband to war.
The prettiest wife in the Regiment, Sally is desired by all, including
the evil Obidiah Hakeswill. In the film version, he rapes and murders (or vice versa)
the very recently-widowed Mrs. Clayton (it's a close call as to which of the
Claytons fell first). In the books, Sally is widowed at Waterloo and
given into young Charlie Weller's care.
Lord Thomas Cochrane
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Devil
Story Contribution
The Devil Cochrane, scourge of the Spanish colonial government in Chile. A Scotsman, a sailor, a jailbird and a rebel.
Jack Collett
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Company
Story Contribution
Friend and hunting companion of Colonel Windham. Collett is killed during the siege of Badajoz.
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Mission
Story Contribution
Conchita flirts with Harper,
Harris and Hagman. She is murdered along with
the other gypsies in the camp by Colonel Brand in his attempt to silence the
gypsy girl Zara.
Francis Cooper
Formerly a dealer in other people's property, now a rifleman.
Chosen Man (Sharpe's Rifles to Gold TV)
Corporal (Sharpe's Battle Book)
Place of Origin:
London, England
Sharpe's Rifles to Gold and Legend (TV)
Sharpe's Battle (Book)
"Sir, it's time to go mad."
"It's very hard to trust a man who wants to borrow your picklock."
Story Contribution
Choosing the army over gaol, hanging or transportation, Cooper is the smart mouth of the group, always ready with a quick line that leaves Sharpe wordless for reply. Cooper's sticky fingers make him the ideal scrounger of the group. We never see him in action, but Sharpe knows exactly who to go for when in need of such odd items as a picklock (Rifles TV). Cooper was last seen wounded in Sharpe's Gold (TV). We assume he was repatriated, as he pops up again hale and hearty in Sharpe The Legend.
One of Brand's Boys
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Mission
"Congratulations Colonel. You must be able to smell the garlic."
"You seem a bit soft hearted to be chosen men."
Story Contribution
One of Brand's Boys, he admits to being a murderer but denies that he ever was
a French spy. He dies honorably while defending Rocha fort from a French
assault, allowing Sharpe and his men to blow up the powder magazine and escape
thru a secret tunnel.
Father Curtis
aka El Mirador
Priest and spymaster
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Sword
"I will see to it that Harper goes first to the church then to Ramona's bed. And you will see to it that the girl goes from your bed to the church."
"I think the theological reasoning would bore you Sharpe."
"Sure, we're ALL going to die, Patrick"
"God forgive me, but I wish it had lasted longer."
Story Contribution
This crafty little priest is Wellington's number one spy in Spain. Curtis
fought with Spain against the British, but now fights with Britain and
Spain against France. A master swordsman, doctor of theology, healer and
spymaster, Father Curtis finds himself number one with a bullet on
Napoleon's hit list. Leroux has discovered his identity and is on his
way to kill Curtis, but Sharpe discovers the identity of El Mirador in
time, thanks to Harris, and manages to prevent the planned assassination.
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Peter d'Alembord aka Dally
Lieutenant (Sharpe's Honour)
Captain (Sharpe's Regiment)
Major (Sharpe's Waterloo)
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Honour (TV)
Sharpe's Honour, Regiment, Revenge, Waterloo (Books)
Sharpe's Christmas (Short Story)
"If you would deign to hold that thing more like a sword and less like a cleaving instrument, one might hold out a morsel of hope."
"Your paths of glory lead but to a lady's bedchamber."
Story Contribution
Dally is a handsome yet foppish young man who doesn't really seem suited
to the army, yet there he is, sitting out a scandal in England that
occurred as the result of a duel. When Dally first meets Sharpe he is in
awe of the man. He is both
frightened of Sharpe's reputation, his bad temper and he thinks Sharpe's
elaborate bluff against the French in Honour is proof that Sharpe is mad.
When the bluff works, Dally learns respect for the ragged Major and soon
becomes one of the very few officers Sharpe considers a friend. Dally
though, like Harper, learns you can only follow Sharpe, never lead him,
a lesson quickly learnt when trying to teach Sharpe how to fence like a
Dally accompanies Sharpe to England during Regiment, and he goes with
Harper to track down Jane in Revenge, after first having let Sharpe escape
the provosts.
Dally is reunited with Sharpe at Waterloo, dining with Sharpe and Lucille
often before the battle. Dally is fearful that he is going to die in the
battle, because he has just become engaged and is looking towards a rosy
future. Poor Dally's portents very nearly come true. He is shot in the
leg and as a result of malpractice on the part of the surgeon, rather
than the actual wound, is forced to loose the leg as he almost bleeds to
De l’Eclin
French Chasseur
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Rifles
Story Contribution
De l’Eclin, accompanied by Blas Vivar's brother, an avowed Anfrancesado, relentlessly pursues Vivar and Sharpe
from Corunna to Santiago in a cat and mouse like hunt, nearly catching Sharpe
several times. Outside Santiago, De l’Eclin takes on Sharpe, and Sharpe is loathe
to shoot him outright - he doesn’t want to damage the calvary trousers De l’Eclin
is wearing. Finally dragging De l’Eclin from his horse, Sharpe wins a pair of
trousers and boots that he wears until he kills Leroux in Sharpe's Sword
and gains a new set.
Christopher Denny
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Eagle
"Four shots a minute!"
Story Contribution
Young and green, Denny fails to heed Leroy’s advice
about following Sharpe to glory. He dies in his first
battle against the French when he leaves the South Essex firing line to accompany Sharpe and the
Chosen Men as they pursue the capture of a French Eagle at the Battle of Talavera.
Simon Doggett
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Waterloo
"You're nothing but a silk stocking full of shit."
Story Contribution
Young, inexperienced and career conscious, Doggett is at first proud
to be on the Prince of Orange's staff, but after witnessing cowardice
after military bungle, Doggett decides Sharpe is quite correct in his
assessment of the Prince.
Palace Guard
Place of Origin:
Spain, of Irish descent
Sharpe’s Battle
Story Contribution
One of the few good apples in a rotten barrel, Donaju helps Sharpe
train the Irish palace guard.
Michel Dubreton
French Officer
Chef du Battalion
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Enemy
Story Contribution
Dubreton is tricked into fighting Sharpe by the deserters, but he soon
forms a gentlemen’s agreement with Sharpe and is most courteous in their
efforts to release the hostages, even inviting the British officers to
Christmas dinner. He is a man who plays fairly by the rules of war.
Sarah Dubreton
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Enemy
“Lost in solitary gloom, withering in my bloom.”
Story Contribution
The English wife of a French Colonel, Sarah has been captured by
deserters while praying at the convent. Quick thinking and educated,
she alerts Sharpe to where she is being held by means of reciting a poem.
The French only see her as an excuse to move into the town, but her
husband genuinely loves her.
Pierre Ducos
Spy and advisor to the Emperor Napoleon
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Enemy, Honour, Seige, Revenge (TV)
Sharpe's Battle, Enemy, Honour, Siege, Revenge (Books)
"An Eye for an Eye."
Story Contribution
Aptly toad like, cold blooded, misygionistic and ruthless, Ducos is a
political animal, having survived several changes of government by being
a lying weasel and court toady. Ducos is a career yes man. He is also a
control freak and frequently ventures out into the field to personally
supervise his Machiavellian schemes, usually against a British officer
named Sharpe. Kill Sharpe, Ducos has reasonably concluded, and the whole
British army in Spain will crumble and retreat. This is, in effect, the
plot and motives for Honour,
Siege and Revenge.
Ducos is a hater of women, and he demonstrates his contempt to Helene,
whom he forces to participate in his plans. He is spiteful, going to
great lengths to get his revenge on Sharpe for breaking his spectacles
in Enemy, when they first meet. Ducos has announced that he is glad the
Spanish whore La Aguja is dead. Not the best way to convey your
condolences to an emotional Richard Sharpe. Sharpe, torn up with
grief over Teresa's death, manages to channel his anger into the
cool act of deliberately removing and stomping on Ducos' glasses,
grinding them into the dirt. Sharpe them humiliates Ducos further
by calling his bluff and scaring off the French with his Rocket troop.
Ducos does not take these twin insults lightly.
Ducos is also a coward, unable to face Sharpe without the restraint of a
goon squad or crippling grief (on Sharpe's part) . Ducos proves he's got
a streak of yellow a mile wide by fleeing when Sharpe brutally and
bloodily escapes when being held in the Fort of Santa Maria in Honour.
Sharpe is a wee bit peeved at this stage as Ducos has just busted up his
prize telescope, a gift from Wellington for saving his life, in return
for the broken glasses. Resourceful even under duress, our Sharpie uses
the broken bit of telescope to saw through his ropes and mangle the
guards who were holding him, going straight for the groin on the guard
who had been looking at him like he was dessert.
In the book Siege, Ducos manages to snare Sharpe in his trap, but Sharpe
escapes, and discovers he was bait to trap Ducos all along. Sharpe is not
a happy man and takes out his anger on those he feels have betrayed him.
Sharpe is next set up by Ducos in Revenge, being charged with stealing the
Emperor's jewels, which Ducos himself has made off with, down to Naples.
Frederickson manages to find Ducos via his repeated orders for new
spectacles and the lads take off for Naples, though things are a bit
strained between Sharpe and Frederickson.
Ducos has hired the local Cardinal's army and a few mercenaries, but it's
not enough to stop Sharpe, his mates and a handful of Calvet's men. They
storm the house, see off the mercenaries and scatter the Cardinal's troops
with a few pennies from heaven. Sharpe shoots Ducos off his horse, but
it's never entirely clear whether the bastard is really dead this time
(as he appeared to have bought it in the TV version of Honour, but
apparently not).
Warren Dunnett
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Rifles (TV)
Sharpe's Rifles, Waterloo (Books)
Story Contribution
Originally commanding the 95th Rifles, Dunnett was caught by the French
during the retreat to Corunna. He never approved of Sharpe's having been
risen from the ranks, but manages to be polite when he meets Lt. Colonel
Sharpe during the battle of Waterloo. Dunnett had sat out the Peninsular
war as a POW, and thus finds his former Lieutenant now outranks him.
On TV, Dunnett is commader of the Rifle Company to which Sharpe is first assigned and is to command Dunnett's Sharpshooters. Disapproving of the up from the ranks Sharpe, he sends them to scout ahead just before his company is attacked by French cavalry and he is killed by a saber slash and dies on the spot.
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El Casco
Spanish partisan leader
Place of Origin:
Spain - descended from Aztec Indians
Sharpe's Gold (TV)
"Meow, meow, meow, yow, yow, meow ...... meow"
Story Contribution
El Casco is a Spanish partisan leader who wears 300 year old armour. He comes
to see Wellington and proposes trading 52 deserters
for 50 Baker rifles. In his mountain caves he has a horde of Aztec gold and
practices human sacrifice upon his hapless victims. He is found by Sharpe
as he prepares to serve up Ellie Nugent to his "God
of Flaying". He spears Ayres who dies instantly and is chased into the
treasure rooms of his caves as he fights and wounds Sharpe and is finally shot
and killed by Harper.
El Castrador
Partsisan, vet and bandit
Nothing formal
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Battle (Book)
Story Contribution
El Castrador has expanded his services to include French soldiers and
has become the leader of the local Partisans. He helps Sharpe maintain
order and discipline with the Irish troops by demonstrating that all
deserters will have their bollocks cut off.
Dona Juanita de Elia
Partisan and French Spy
Not known
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Battle
Story Contribution
Juanita collects the uniforms of every soldier she has ever slept with,
which is also how she collects her information. Sometime lover of Loup,
she is sent into the British fort to collect uniforms, including Kiely’s
and Perkin’s, and tries to get Sharpe’s.
When Juanita tries to interfere in the duel between Sharpe and Loup,
Harper shoots her off her horse. In the TV version she is killed by Kiely
for her treachery.
El Matarife
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Honour
Story Contribution
Violent and savage. Matarife’s favourite method of execution is, while
chained to his captive, fighting with long blades and killing them cut
by cut, the chain preventing them from escaping the blade. Not
surprisingly at all, Matarife’s brother happens to be an inquisitor.
Under orders from Ducos, Matarife kidnaps
Helene and hands her over to
the church, then lies about her whereabouts to Sharpe. Sharpe has to
fight Matarife for Helene, in Matarife’s chosen method, but Sharpe is
quicker and manages to win.
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Sir Augustus Farthingdale
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Enemy
Story Contribution
Another English aristocrat who wants to make a name for himself in Spain.
Sir Augustus has published a book on army procedure without ever having
set foot on a battlefield and his connections force Wellington to rescue
Farthingdale’s wife from the deserters who have captured her.
Farthingdale disapproves of the choice of Sharpe for the mission,
but he has no choice as Sharpe is now a Major. And when he disagrees
with Sharpe’s idea of staying and fighting the French, Sharpe reminds
Farthingdale that his “wife” is a whore of Sharpe’s aquaintance. Sharpe
takes over command for the price of his silence.
Lady Isabella Farthingdale (TV)
Lady Josefina Farthingdale (Book)
Professional escort
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Eagle, Enemy (TV)
Sharpe's Eagle, Gold, Enemy (Books)
"I have no morals, yet I'm a
very moral person."
Story Contribution
Dark and beautiful, Sharpe first sees Josefina accompany
Christian Gibbons, but is told he'll never be able to afford her.
Sharpe wants her more than the Eagle he promised Lennox, so
when Christian treats Josefina with cruelty, Sharpe takes his
oppurtunity to play hero. He really can't afford to keep her though,
and must borrow money (from Hogan in the book,
Leroy on TV).
Sharpe gets his eagle, but Josefina moves on to greener pastures.
First with Captain Claud Hardy, whose body
Sharpe is sent to find in Gold, and then Sir Augustus Farthingdale.
Josefina turns out to be Sir Augustus' kidnapped wife Sharpe has been sent
to rescue from the clutches of the deserters, and Josefina turns
on her best temptress act as a reward, in spite of the fact that Sharpe is now married to Teresa.
Sharpe discovers Josefina is not really married to Sir Augustus, merely
hired to pose as his wife. Sharpe uses this knowledge to blackmail
Fartingdale in allowing Sharpe to take command.
Lord Fenner
Secretary of War
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Regiment
Story Contribution
The quintessential politician, Fenner is self serving, corrupt and cruel.
He has purchased Lady Anne’s services as mistress and spy, and uses her
to spy on Sharpe. The plan backfires when Lady Anne decides to use Sharpe
against Fenner. Fenner has been skimming the books in a big way,
transferring men and stores in and out of battalions secretly and taking
hefty kickbacks for his trouble. When Sharpe finds out what Fenner is
up to, he means to stop him, but not if Fenner can kill or disgrace
Sharpe first.
Lady Anne manages to find the missing ledgers containing records of all
the illegal transactions, saving Sharpe and blackmailing Fenner.
Fenner resigns, now unable to afford his public office.
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Tiger
Story Contribution
Cheerful and popular. So of course Hakeswill hates him and decides to
teach Fitzgerald a lesson. Which he does, luring Fitzgerald to his
death during the siege of Mysore.
Naval Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Siege, Revenge (Books)
Story Contribution
Snobbish, having enquired of Sharpe’s origins,
Ford is Bamflyde’s
offsider and serves as his second in the duel with Sharpe over the
desertion of the fort.
William Frederickson
aka Sweet William
Career soldier
Captain of the 60th Rifles
Place of Origin:
Half German and Half English.
Sharpe's Enemy, Siege, Revenge (TV)
Sharpe's Enemy, Honour, Siege, Revenge (Books)
"I collect perfect teeth from dead Frogs. When I get back to London I'm going to have a complete set made."
Story Contribution
False hair, false teeth, eyepatch and gruesomely scarred, Frederickson
carries all the badges of a professional soldier, as well as a pair of
pliers for his French teeth collection. Older and grittier
than Sharpe, Frederickson commands the Royal American Rifles, a unit
raised in America and left over from the Revolutionary war, with only
one actual American, Thomas Taylor, left among their ranks.
Sharpe laughs that Frederickson doesn't care in Enemy, and in truth,
the only thing he does care about is getting the job done, often
betraying his ruthless German origins, and his love of architecture,
showing Frederickson as a man of higher learning.
Frederickson respects Sharpe and considers him a good friend, one worth
fighting for, until Sharpe does him the diservice of bedding Lucille,
upon whom Frederickson was sweet on.
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Siege (Book)
Story Contribution
One of the men left behind with Sharpe to defend the fort, Fytch bravely
dies while trying to stop the French breaking through the barricades.
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Tom Garrard
Private (Sharpe's Tiger)
Lieutenant (Sharpe's Gold)
Captain (Sharpe's Battle)
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Tiger, Gold, Battle (Books)
Story Contribution
Tom was Sharpe's best friend in the ranks while they fought in India,
and Sharpe is delighted to meet his old friend in Almeida, now an
officer with the Portuguese army. Wellington had allowed deserving
Sergeants to become officers with the Portuguese because they were
desperately needing in training. Tom survives Sharpe blowing up the
fort of Almeida to meet him again in Battle, Tom's Portuguese soldiers
having been sent there to reinforce and mind the Irish. Tom
sacrifices his life to save Sharpe's during an attack by Loup,
lighting a wagon of gunpowder to serve as a distraction. Sharpe
finds Tom had still kept his one of the tin tinderboxes they had
bought in Mysore together, just about the only thing left after
the explosion.
Christian Gibbons
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Eagle
"I don't fight duels over whores."
Story Contribution
Nephew to Sir Henry Simmerson and brother
to Jane. Christian is a
nasty piece of work and his first meeting with Sharpe nearly
ends in a duel. Sharpe takes Josefina away from Christian,
and Christian returns the favour by attempting to rape Josefina.
Christian finds Sharpe on the battlefield first and nearly
succeeds in killing him if not for the timely intervention
of Patrick.
Jane Gibbons
Wife and Adulteress
Place of Origin:
Essex, England
Sharpe's Regiment, Siege, Mission, Revenge, Justice, Waterloo (TV)
Sharpe's Eagle, Gold and Company (as portrait only), Regiment, Siege, Revenge, Waterloo (Books)
"You belong in the gutter!"
Story Contribution
Blonde, beautiful, young and sheltered, Sharpe first falls for Jane
when he sees her portrait in a locket he has just taken off the
body of her brother Christian (who has just come off the worse
in an argument with Sharpe and Harper). He carries the portrait
with him for a long while, and even showed it to Teresa in the
book versions of Gold and Company.
Sharpe did not meet Jane until 1809, while in England on some
business, and he held the image of her dear until he meets her again
in Regiment. Jane is as beautiful as he remembered and when Jane
agrees to help him, Sharpe cannot believe that his feelings might
be returned. Jane's image has been an ideal for him, she came to
represent what he was fighting for, she represented England, and
her acceptance and fledgling crush on the dashing officer meant
a lot to Sharpe's self image and self esteem. She was everything
he aspired to in a wife; rich, genteel, educated. The complete
opposite to the dark and fiery Teresa.
Sharpe elopes with Jane, to Patrick's despair, to save her from the
punishment she expects from her Uncle, Simmerson, in regards to her
conspiring to help Sharpe against her Uncle. Jane follows Sharpe
to Spain and manages to charm Patrick and Ramona, who employs
herself as Jane's maid.
Sharpe is very much in love with his wife, and frets for her
all through Siege, thinking she has caught
a fever from Hogan
whom she had visited before he died. In the films Sharpe
must also enlist the help of Harris to see off the unwelcome
advances of would be poet Percy Shellington. Sharpe doesn't
entirely trust Jane in the fidelity department, probably because
he's no great shakes there himself.
Jane soon finds army life not to her taste, and frets that her
husband will be more of a social millstone than a lift when she
returns to England. Thus is does not take too much convincing
for her to find an excuse to leave Sharpe and abscond back to
England with all his money, which is quickly frittered away
by her fair weather friend and inveterate gambler Rossendale.
It doesn't take much convincing from Rossendale to get her
into bed, either.
In Justice, Sharpe returns to England to find his career
shafted thanks to Rossendale, and Jane bitterly uses Rossendale's
influence to threaten Sharpe away from trying to claim his money.
Sharpe now only wants his money back, to help with Lucille's farm,
as Jane's parting words firmly bury their relationship. Now only
hate an enmity lie between them.
Lucille sees Jane at the Ball in Brussels the evening before the
battle of Waterloo and warns Sharpe of the hate in Jane's eyes.
Lucille is worried, knowing that Jane would, and indeed has,
asked Rossendale to kill Sharpe after the cover of battle,
and thus preserve her stolen fortune and allow her to marry
her titled lover. Sharpe, finding Jane and Rossendale at
the ball, threatens Rossendale at the point of a sword for
his money. One abortive duel in the forest later finds
Sharpe with a promissory note in exchange for Jane.
Sharpe has crudely explained to Rossendale that he has
sold his wife to him.
The note is worthless, however, as Rossendale, an untried
soldier, dies on the field, leaving Jane with little money,
no title, no friends and with child.
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Enemy
Story Contribution
Commander of the rocket troop.
Bartholomew Girdwood
British Officer
Lt. Colonel
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Regiment
"Ambush would have broke a lesser man."
“Black as bog.”
Story Contribution
Aspiring suitor of Jane Gibbons. Of fastidious appearance, including a tarred moustache. A coward,
equally terrified of Irish and dogs. Girdwood had been attacked by
a dog as a child, and by Irish on his one and only field command.
Saved from disgrace by his friend and patron Simmerson, Girdwood is
set up as commander of Foulness, the secret army camp in Essex.
Arrested by Sharpe at Foulness, Girdwood reluctantly accompanies
the Regiment to Spain, with Sharpe acting as the real commander.
Girdwood’s first taste of battle proves too much, and he goes
quite insane.
Jean Gudin
French adviser to the Tippoo
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Tiger (Book)
Sharpe's Christmas (Short Story)
Story Contribution
Kind hearted and fair. Gudin quite likes Sharpe, recognising him as
a good soldier, and is happy to have Sharpe join the European
soldiers fighting for the Tippoo within Mysore. He is quite
disappointed when he has to arrest Sharpe for spying. He later meets Sharpe in Spain, never having progressed in his career after Seringampatam, and Sharpe, still ranking Gudin as the best Colonel he has ever served under, gives the French a victory.
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Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Honour
Story Contribution
Cruel, secretive, corrupt, scheming and an information broker,
Hacha is a credit to his profession. He involves himself in
Ducos' scheme for the money and the political influence should
the King of Spain return. Hacha arranges for the death of
Helene’s husband, her disappearance into the convent and to
extract letters of support for the Spanish King by whatever
methods he feels fit, often using his violent brother as his heavy.
In the TV version, Ducos dispenses with Hacha’s services at the
point of a gun.
Daniel Hagman
Formerly a poacher, now a rifleman.
Corporal (Sharpe's Rifles)
Sergeant (Sharpe's Waterloo TV)
Place of Origin:
Cheshire, England
Sharpe's Rifles to Waterloo (Books and TV)
Sharpe's Christmas (Short Story)
"Best brown paper and paraffin oil."
Story Contribution
The oldest chosen man and the best shot, Hagman was a successful
poacher until a run in with the law forced a change a career path
into the army. Able to shoot wee bunnies at night over quite a
distance, Hagman finds it no trouble pop off the odd Frog.
Hagman is also the team musician, able to adapt a popular folk or
marching tune for any occasion. Quietly the morale officer of
the Chosen Men, Hagman dispenses sage advice as well as
paraffin oil and best brown paper to keep tings running smoothly.
Hagman survives all the battles until the last one, at Waterloo.
Obidiah Hakeswill
A liar, a thief, a rapist and a murderer.
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Company and Enemy (TV)
Sharpe's Tiger, Triumph, Company and Enemy (Books)
"When old Obidiah's up, he's up like an animal."
Story Contribution
A complete bastard. Hakeswill is Sharpe's nightmarish nemesis,
haunting our lad from India until he turns up again in Spain.
It was Hakeswill who got Sharpe flogged in India. Hakeswill's
main goal in life seems to be to cause Sharpe as much misery
and grief as possible. Why, it is never really explained.
Having succeeded in having Sharpe flogged once, Hakeswill
betrays Sharpe to the Tippo and causes him to be flogged
Sharpe is really shaken when Hakeswill shows up in Spain,
the harbinger of a run of bad luck that starts when he
loses Lawford to a war wound and ends when he loses his
wife Teresa to Hakeswill's bullet. It is Sharpe in the
book who administers the final bullet that ends
Hakeswill's miserable life.
Hakeswill is a complete psychopath who failed to be properly
hung at age 12 for raping the Vicar's daughter. He escaped
into the army where he later recruited a young 16 year old
Sharpe, and proceeded to make life hell for the boy.
Hakeswill's main distinguishing features are a hanging scar
upon his neck, from which he claims he cannot die,
a severe twitch and facial tick, probably as a result
of the botched hanging, cruel yet childlike blue eyes
and a tendency to talk to his mother out loud a lot.
George Hanover IV
Ruler of Britain
Prince Regent
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Regiment
Story Contribution
Over pampered and over weight, and becoming every bit as loony
as his father, the Prince reads about Richard Sharpe taking the
Eagle at Talavera and becomes Sharpe’s number one groupie. The
Prince bestows upon Sharpe a promotion to Brevet Major and when
Sharpe arrives in London, he is summoned to an audience with the
Prince. The Prince by this stage now imagines himself having
fought alongside Sharpe at Talavera, and Sharpe realises he has
an influential, but ineffectual patron.
Nevertheless, Sharpe appeals to the Prince to be allowed to take
his men to Spain, appealing to the Prince’s vanity by calling the
missing Regiment the Prince of Wales’ Own Volunteers.
The name stuck.
Claud Hardy
Calvary Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Eagle, Gold (Books)
Story Contribution
The man who won Josefina from
Sharpe in Eagle. Hardy has been
sent to fetch the Spanish gold, but upon his non return, Sharpe
is sent out to rescue his romantic rival. Sharpe finds Hardy
dead, having been murdered by the partisans.
Patrick Michael Harper (TV)
Patrick Augustine Harper (Books)
Rifleman and Sharpe's protector.
Patrick, one son of a large and poor family, joined the British
army as a way out of poverty.
Corporal /Chosen Man ( Sharpe's Rifles TV)
Sergeant (Sharpe's Rifles TV)
Regimental Sergeant Major (Sharpe's Regiment TV & Sharpe's Christmas Short Story)
Place of Origin:
Donegal, Ireland
Sharpe's Rifles to Waterloo (TV)
Sharpe's Rifles to Devil (Books)
Sharpe's Christmas (Short Story)
"You're a grand man ... for an Englishman."
"Send them to Ireland, Sir. We'd be free in a week."
"Every cripple has his own way of walkin'."
"God save Ireland."
Story Contribution
In the books Patrick is tall, sandy haired and younger than Sharpe.
In the films Patrick takes the traditional brunette role in the
partnership. After a fierce almost courtship ritual as described
in Rifles, Harper becomes Sharpe's best friend, loyal companion,
protector and champion. Patrick declares his intention to look
after Sharpe within the book Rifles, and his diligence to this
promise can be seen to most touching effect when Patrick searches
the dead and dying for a wounded Sharpe in Sword. Patrick then
makes the wounded Sharpe a new sword, to replace his broken one,
forging it with all the love in his heart, in a wonderful excursion
into grail lore (Harper believes Sharpe will recover if he can see
he has a new sword). Harper remains a lifelong friend to Sharpe,
and not even the end of the war can separate them, as they reunite
for one last adventure in Devil.
Ramona Harper (TV)
Isabella (Books)
Camp Follower
Place of Origin:
Badajoz, Spain
Sharpe's Company, Sword, Enemy, Honour, Regiment, Siege, Revenge, Waterloo, Devil (Books)
Sharpe's Company, Enemy, Honour, Gold, Battle, Sword, Mission (TV)
"For me, no ups, no downs."
Story Contribution
Patrick finds and protects Isabella/Ramona during the siege of Badajoz.
After the siege, Ramona decides to stay with Patrick, even though he
speaks no Spanish and she speaks no English. They become lovers and
she bears him a son. In the books, Patrick names his first born Richard.
On TV the child is delivered by the chosen men while Harper is off
adventuring with Sharpe, and Ramona names the poor child after all
the midwives. Harper is not keen to marry Ramona, however.
On screen, he is tricked into wedlock by Father Curtis. In the
books, Harper is given permission to marry by Leroy in Honour.
Ramona accompanies Harper throughout the war, looking after her son,
her man, and his best friend. After the war, Patrick has quite a
bit of trouble getting Ramona back to Ireland, as only official
wives, those on company strength, were allowed to return. Many
Spanish and Portuguese wives were abandoned at the docks.
Patrick and Ramona manage to get to Dublin, and though Patrick
had intended to return to Donegal, he gets no further than Dublin,
where he uses his fortune to buy a pub. Ramona gives him several
more children and seems happy, except when her man is drawn away
to go off adventuring with "him", Sharpe.
Harris (no first name ever given)
Formerly a teacher, now serving as a Rifleman as a result of some bad debts.
Corporal /Chosen Man ( Sharpe's Rifles TV)
Sergeant (Sharpe's Waterloo TV)
Place of Origin:
TV - Sharpe's Rifles to Waterloo
Book - Sharpe's Battle
"A Courtier to my Lord Bacchus and an unremitting debtor".
"I'll trade you a Voltaire and a
filthy book by the Marquis de Sade for yours by Sir Augustus, sir."
Story Contribution
That red hair and an uncanny ability to come up with a classical
quote for every occasion. Able to translate French book codes,
especially if they're based on Voltaire and considers it a good score
if a dead Frog has books in his pack.
George Harris
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Tiger
Story Contribution
Veteran of the American Revolutionary War. Harris does not approve
of the plan to rescue McCandless, but agrees to it, mainly because
Sharpe manages to convince him it could work.
Horatio Havercamp
Recruiting Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Regiment
"I shall march you till you drop."
Story Contribution
Fat and bad tempered. Havercamp is a showman of the snake oil variety.
He lies, cheats, bribes and shanghais men into the South Essex’s
Second Battalion. He unknowingly recruits Sharpe
and Harper while
claiming to be personally aquainted with the heroes.
Michael Hogan
Exploring Officer
Captain (Sharpe's Eagle Book)
Major (Sharpe's Gold Book) (Sharpe's Rifles TV)
Lt. Colonel (Sharpe's Siege Book)
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Rifles, Eagle (TV)
Sharpe's Rifles to Siege (Books)
Sharpe's Christmas (Short Story)
"You mind is making appointments, Richard, your body should never keep."
Story Contribution
Hogan's coats button up over a number of different duties, Wellington
said, and button tightly they did. Colourful, Irish and theatrical,
Hogan, ostensibly an Engineer, also work as an exploring officer and
spymaster for Wellington, gathering information as he and his spies
scouted ahead for the army and conducted liason with the partisans.
Hogan recruited Sharpe instantly to his little spy family, convincing
Wellington to send Sharpe off on dangerous missions and indeed even
pimping Sharpe as need be. The role was taken over by other spymaster
Majors in the series, but in the books Hogan remains one of Sharpe's
greatest supporters and friends until his death due to fever in Sharpe's
Siege (book). It is through his
machinations that Sharpe meets Teresa,
and even Jane, after a fashion. Hogan genuinely cared for Sharpe
and tried to keep him out of trouble as much as he dumped him into
it, best illustrated in Sharpe's two adventures with Helene and in
Battle (Book).
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Joaquim Jovellanos
aka El Catolico
Former Spanish Officer, now Partisan
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Gold (Book)
Story Contribution
Famous for quoting the Scriptures while torturing his prisoners,
and the betrothed of Teresa. When
Sharpe runs off with both
the gold and Teresa, Jovellanos follows Sharpe to Almeida where
they circle around each other until they finally duel in the
church bell tower. Sharpe wins the duel by impaling himself on
Jovellanos’ sword, thus disarming him.
Maggie Joyce
Hotel Proprietor
Place of Origin:
St Giles Rookery, London, England
Sharpe's Regiment (Book and TV)
"When I first saw you, I didn't know whether to drown you or eat you."
Story Contribution
Sharpe's oldest surviving friend, Maggie found Sharpe after he had run
away from the foundling home, and taught him the ways of the world,
including his sexual initiation. Once a working girl, Maggie has made
something of herself and now runs Bennet's place, a dubious establishment
in the London slums.
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Exploring Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Gold (Book)
Story Contribution
Deeply religious. Kearsey has gone a bit native and believes the
noble Spanish partisans are more deserving of the gold than the
British, in spite of his orders. He actively hampers Sharpe being
able to collect and transport the gold back to British lines.
Kearsey is killed during the siege of Almeida.
Soldier and deserter
Private (Sharpe’s Enemy)
Chosen Man (Sharpe’s Enemy)
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Enemy (TV)
Story Contribution
A former Connaught Ranger, Kelly saw Sharpe take
the Eagle at Talavera. Now a deserter, he finds raping and pillaging not to
his taste so he helps Sharpe capture the deserters and dies bravely as a newly
re-instated corporal.
Lord Benedict Kiely
Earl of Kiely
Commander of the Real Compania Irlandesa
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Battle
Story Contribution
Talk, dark and good looking, given to alcohol and brooding.
Untried in battle, Kiely has definite ideas about heroism
and seems to have a death wish, engaging a French calvary
officer in single combat. He resents Sharpe's experience
and advice, and becomes too involved in his mistress,
Dona Juanita de Elia, to notice the dissension within his
ranks due to anti-British propaganda.
In the book, betrayed and humiliated Kiely blows his brains
out. In the TV version, Kiely betrays Sharpe in order to save
his wife, and yet dies in the rescue attempt in any case.
Lady Kiely
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Battle (TV)
Story Contribution
Pale and English, this wilting rose is distressed both by her husband's
infidelity and a nasty spot of morning sickness. She begs Sharpe
to intervene on her behalf regarding her husband's indiscretions, but Sharpe
gently refuses her offer of payment for the favour.
Lady Kiely proves to be made of sterner stuff than her husband, having already
survived the loss of a child, she now helps fight against the French, survives
abduction by Loup and then reluctantly assumes the
mantle of widowhood.
Cornelius Killick
Privateer (to the Americans and French)/Pirate (to the
British) and commanding officer of the schooner, Thuella
Place of Origin:
Marblehead, Massachusetts, United States of America
Sharpe's Siege (Book)
"When they dangle us at a rope's end I'll say that not every Britisher is a bastard."
"Bugger me."
Story Contribution
"He had a cutwater of a face; sharp, lined,
savagely tanned; a dangerously handsome face framed by a tangled shock of
gold-dark hair. It was battered, beaten by winds and seas and scarred by
blades and scorched by powder-blasts, but still a handsome face; enough to
make the girls look twice."
Smokes cigars.
Robert Knowles
Lieutenant (Sharpe's Eagle)
Captain of Fusilier Battalion (Sharpe's Company)
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Eagle, Gold, Company (Books)
Story Contribution
Quiet and honest, Knowles first meets Sharpe when he takes
command of the Light Company of the South Essex and the
two quickly become friends and allies, Sharpe relying on
Knowles to smooth out the tensions within the unit and
to act as his liaison. They have an excellent working
relationship, one that Sharpe misses when Knowles is
transferred. They remain friends and Knowles gives his
life for Sharpe's family. He is the first to reach the
Moreno house in Badajoz and is killed by Hakeswill while
trying to protect Teresa and the baby.
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Josefina La Costa
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Eagle (TV)
Sharpe's Eagle, Gold, Enemy (Book)
Story Contribution
A true gentlewoman, Josefina was widowed at Vimiero and is travelling under the protection of Christian Gibbons and the South Essex when Sharpe first encounters her. Her attentions to Sharpe and his assuming responsibility for her safety causes hostility between himself, Gibbons and Gibbon's friend Lieutenant Berry.
In the books, Josefina is a high-dollar courtesan, rescued from mistreatment by Gibbons and Berry and only too happy to repay Sharpe with her favors.
Novice Nun
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Sword (TV)
Story Contribution
Quiet and doll like, the novice is shocked into silence after
witnessing the torture and murder of her priest and fellow nuns.
She is found hiding in the woods by Sharpe and taken back to
camp to be cared for by Ramona. Lass will not leave Sharpe's
side and insists on sleeping with him, and finds herself
unable to resist the temptation to touch his naked shoulder while he's
trying to sleep.
When Sharpe is shot, Curtis decides it is Lass who should
tend the rifleman, which she does with Ramona's help,
removing the musket ball and stitching up the wounds.
She stays with Richard throughout his fever and when the
fever finally breaks she speaks for the first time. Richard keeps his promise to Father Curtis however and
returns her to the church in exchange for Curtis arranging
a marriage for Harper and Ramona.
Henri Comte de Lassan (Book)
Henri Maillot (TV)
Place of Origin:
Normandy, France
Sharpe's Revenge (TV)
Sharpe's Siege, Revenge (Books)
Story Contribution
In command of the fort Sharpe captures in
Siege, and the brother
of Lucille, Lassan is a quite, studious, deeply religious man
who would prefer to serve in the priesthood than in the army.
He is a kindly man, tortured by his conscience for the
smallest of sins. Lassan had turned his quarters in the
fort into a library, but all his precious books were
burnt for warmth or used for personal hygiene purposes
when the British captured the fort.
Lassan takes the loss of the fort hard, and Ducos
exercises his spite by making poor Lassan the fall guy,
along with Sharpe, in his next plot. Lassan is stated to
be the only living witness to Sharpe's crime, but when
Frederickson demands that Lassan appear in person to give
his testimony, Lassan is murdered by Ducos men to preserve
his silence. Lassan's body is mutilated by the removal
of two fingers to explain why his written statement
was illegible, and the murder is set up so that
Sharpe will get the blame. Lucille certainly believes
in Sharpe's guilt and shoots him in revenge for her brother
the first chance she gets.
Henri Patrick Lassan aka Patrick Lassan
Viscount Seleglise of the Duchy of Normandy
Observer for the French Government of the American Civil War.
Chasseur Colonel of the Imperial Guard
Brevet General during the Austrian Wars
Place of Origin:
Normandy, France
Sharpe's Waterloo, Devil (Books)
Sharpe's Ransom (Short Story)
Copperhead, Battleflag (The Starbuck Books)
Story Contribution
The bastard son of an English rifleman and a French aristocrat, born shortly
before the battle of Waterloo and named for his father's Irish best friend.
Patrick is tall like his father, with his mother's dark, thin face. Choosing
the French Calvary over the British Rifles (and breaking his father's heart
in the process), he became an officer cadet at St Cyr in 1832, Patrick has served
in the Crimea and Austrian wars, amongst others, as a advisor to the American
Confederate Army and though very handsome and charming, and very much the rogue,
his face shows the marks of these wars. He has a scar from a Russian sabre on
his right cheek, a scar where an Austrian rifle bullet broke his left jaw and
a Cossack bullet took out his left eye. Nevertheless the adventurous Lassan
is never short of female companionship, though his father disagreed with his
taste in women.
William Lawford
Officer in His Britannic Majesty's Army, later politician in the House of Commons and Magistrate
Lieutenant (Sharpe's Tiger - Book)
Lieutenant Colonel (Sharpe's Eagle)
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Rifle, Eagle, Company and Regiment(TV)
Sharpe's Tiger, Eagle, Gold, Company and Regiment(Books)
"Just big pussy cats".
"God, you're ruthless"
Story Contribution
An elegant dandy, monied, fashionable, aristocratic and able to buy
his promotions, William Lawford represents everything Sharpe hates
about the British Army and the officer class. Except Sharpe
likes his superior officer very much, and the feeling is quite
mutual. Complete opposites, they forged a friendship that
surpassed rank and class while stuck together in adversity
in India on a mission to rescue Lawford's uncle,Hector McCandless. Sharpe kept Lawford alive and
Lawford taught Sharpe how to read and write, using only one
page of the bible while in the dungeons of the Tippoo.
Sharpe feels that he owes Lawford a debt of honour and gratitude
for teaching him to write his own name. Lawford, recognising Sharpe
as the superior soldier, wants to see his friend do well, and
is always trying to help in some small way.
Lawford loses an arm during the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, it was
Sharpe himself who hacked it off to save Lawford's life.
Lawford was repatriated back to England and Sharpe lost
an influential patron. Sharpe did not see Lawford again
until he became embroiled in Fenner's crimping operation in
Regiment. Again, with a mind to his own political future,
Lawford tried to extricate Richard as gently from the
situation as he thought he could.
Sharpe could not help feeling a sense of betrayal,
however, as Lawford's backroom deals nearly backfired
as Fenner decided to dispense with Sharpe more cheaply
than Lawford's suggestion of an overseas posting. He never considered that Sharpe's loyalty to the soldiers of the South Essex would never allow him to abandon his regiment.
Mercenary and looter
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Revenge (Book)
Sharpe's Ransom (Short Story)
"I Remember you."
Story Contribution
A Dragoon hired by Ducos to guard the treasure
that Sharpe managed to
steal back. Lebecque has another try for the fortune after Waterloo, thinking
Sharpe must have squirreled away at least some of the gold.
British officer
Major (TV)
Captain (Book)
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Eagle
"This is a fool's mission. Watch my flank Sharpe."
"I want an Eagle, an Imperial Eagle touched by the hand of Bonapart himself."
Story Contribution
Once a Highlander and something of a hero while fighting in India, the recently
retired Lennox now finds himself in the worst Regiment he’s ever seen. Stranded
on the wrong side of the river by Simmerson’s blowing
up of the bridge, Lennox and Sharpe are attacked
by the French, and lose the King’s Colours. Dying in disgrace, Lennox asks Sharpe
to get him a French Eagle, to wipe away the stain.
Phillipe Leroux
Place of Origin:
Paris, France
Sharpe's Sword
"Ah, my favourite English spy."
Story Contribution
Leroux is the man with the sword Sharpe wants. Supposedly
the brother of Helene, in the film Leroux appears
dark and swarthy. In both he is a spy, and a cruel one at that. Leroux has a
nasty reputation for torturing his victims by peeling their skin off and it
is by this method that Leroux broke Jack Spears.
In the film Spears says Leroux saved his life by deciding to cut his arm off
at the last moment, before Spears could die of his injuries. In the book, Leroux
fires the shot that nearly kills Sharpe, and certainly sends him down to the
dying room, so serious is the gunshot wound to his stomach. Harper
finds Sharpe and helps Lass and Ramona nurse him back to health. Sharpe, still
healing from his wounds, finally catches up with Leroux (after a great chase
across the battlefield in the book, by calling him out in the film), and challenges
him to a duel. Sharpe wins the Kliegenthal sword he has coveted, but, for all
it's fine craftsmanship, it is nothing compared to the crude sword Harper has
made for him out of love. So, following a fine Celtic tradition, Sharpe throws
the Kliegenthal sword into the river.
Thomas Leroy
Officer in British Army, formerly Virginia plantation owner
Captain (Sharpe's Eagle)
Major (Sharpe's Enemy)
Lt. Colonel (Sharpe's Honour Book)
Place of Origin:
Virginia, the former British colonies of America
Sharpe's Eagle (TV)
Sharpe's Eagle, Company, Honour (Book)
"Money talks, merit walks."
"Slaves, cotton, and molasses"
"You and the young lord twins or what?"
Story Contribution
A tall, lanky American who is rarely seen without his ever present
cigar clenched between his teeth. Leroy's family made their fortune
in cotton, slaves and molasses, but lost it all by choosing the
British side during the revolutionary war. Leroy is now a political
refugee and serves in the South Essex, his only home.
As an American, Leroy is expected to be more egalitarian than the
other officers in the South Essex, and indeed, he is more
respectful to Sharpe than most. Lennox also accredited Leroy
with being one of the few good officers in the South Essex when it
first arrived in Spain.
Leroy was horribly scarred in the siege of Badajoz and had to wear
a glove on one hand afterwards to cover the disfigurement. He was
killed during the battle of Vitoria.
Calvary Officer serving under the British Crown
Captain, Kings German Legion
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Gold, Sword (Book)
Story Contribution
Kind hearted, dedicated to his job and loyal, Lossow takes an
instant liking to Sharpe and will do as much as he can to help
save his friend's neck from the French and Partisans who are
after the Spanish gold Sharpe is carrying. Lossow's calvary
charge saves Sharpe from the French lancers in Gold, and
Lossow's Germans manage to break the French square that
is hiding Leroux in the book version of Sword, allowing
Sharpe to capture the spy. Sharpe is inspired by the memory
of Lossow's charge while taking the forts in Sharpe's Devil.
Guy Loup
Officer and terrorist
Brigadier General
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Battle
Story Contribution
Wolf by name and nature, Loup dresses himself and his pack/unit in
wolf grey with wolf pelts and they mark their territory with wolf's
heads. Loup's territory is the Franco-Spanish border and he is
involved in a bitter and bloody battle of terrorism with the
local Partisans. Loup is determined to be the most feared
bully on the block and it is into the resultant horror that
Sharpe stumbles. He dispenses instant justice by executing
two of Loup's men, thus causing an instant blood feud between
Loup and himself. Loup takes his promise to protect his men
very seriously, and, ignoring the greater machinations against
the British, attacks Sharpe's men in two violent and bloody
counters that almost cost Sharpe his life as well as his career.
Sharpe pays forfeit in the life of a friend; Perkins on TV and
Tom Garrard in the book.
Sharpe at last confronts Loup in a creek between the French and
British armies, neither of whom interfere in the two officers
swinging at each other. Sharpe, weak with blood loss, finally
manages to trap Loup under the water and drowns him. On TV Sharpe
just shoots him.
Loup is blind in one eye and speaks English with a Scots accent,
having being interred in Edinburgh as a prisoner of war for a time.
John Lynch
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Regiment
Story Contribution
In spite of being born there, or maybe because of it, Lynch despises
everything Irish, including his own name, Sean, which he changed
to John. An absolute bastard to any Irish under his command,
Sharpe assigns Lynch to a unit made up entirely of Irish when
they reach France, and doesn’t seem surprised that Lynch meets
a messy end.
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Hector McCandless
Officer of the East India Company
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Tiger, Triumph (Books)
Story Contribution
A Calvinist and a workaholic, McCandless cannot return to Scotland
while he feels he still has work to do in India. While furthering
British interests in India he is caught by the Tippoo and held in
the dungeons. The only one to know the best way to attack the city,
McCandless rescue becomes a matter of importance to the British.
Baird suggests they send McCandless’ own nephew, William Lawford,
into Mysore to free him. Lawford won’t go without Sharpe, who is
busy being flogged at the time.
Lawford and Sharpe end up sharing a cell with McCandless, but
they escape as the British attack and Sharpe manages to set off
the Tippoo’s traps too early.
In Triumph, McCandless chaperones Sharpe through India, protecting him from Hakeswill and engineering his promotion to Ensign after the battle of Assaye. Unfortunately, Sharpe's patron is shot dead by Hakeswill minutes later.
2nd Brigade of Guards (Scots Guards)
Place of Origin:
Appearance: Sharpe's Waterloo
Distinguising Features:
He was saved by Sharpe when a French sapper attacked him at La Haye
Sainte during the battle of Waterloo. He was also the only other
witness, other than Harper, who saw Sharpe trying to assassinate the
Prince of Orange.
French Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Revenge (Book)
Story Contribution
Maillott (no relation) was an elderly Colonel who served in an
administrative capacity as a yes man to the Emperor. Ducos shot
him in the head after Maillot handed over the wagons of treasure.
Jacques Malan
Sometime labourer
Sergeant of the French Imperial Guard
Place of Origin:
Normandy, France
Sharpe's Ransom (Short Story)
Story Contribution
An ex-soldier, now a lazy drunkard with a hatred for all things English,
especially Sharpe. Doubly so as Malan was a
one time admirer of Lucille. Malan resents
Sharpe's presence in the village but decides, grudglingly, to help
Sharpe see off Challon and his toadies
if only for Lucille's sake.
Compte de Maquerre
Aristocrat and spy
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Siege
"It doesn't do to duel with your new commanding officer"
Story Contribution
A foppish dandy to whom Sharpe takes an instant dislike and suspects
of duplicity. The Marquerre feeds the British false information.
First about the political sentiments of the local population, then
he convinces Bamflyde that Sharpe has been killed and that retreat
is the best option. Sharpe kills the Maquerre in a savage duel for
is treachery.
In the TV version Marquerre was less of a fop, Sharpe actually
liked him for a bit and Hagman shot him from a distance.
Catherine, Comptess de Maquerre
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s siege (TV)
"I cannot offer you silver or gold, but I can
offer you my virtue."
Story Contribution
The sister of the French traitor and the second women ever to be turned
down by Sharpe. Sharpe, having suffered the guilt of adultery once,
is trying his best to remain faithful to Jane. She calls him a monster
for refusing the offer of her virtue in exchange for his assistance and
protection, but she forgives him enough to tell him to make lime by
burning oyster shells as a defence against the French.
She does not forgive her brother for lying to her family throughout
the war.
Marquese de Casares el Grande y Melida Sadaba
Spanish Officer
Not known
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Honour
Story Contribution
The husband of Helene. Fat, rich, an excellent swordsman and not
without some influence, the Marquese is easily talked into duelling
with Sharpe over the matter of Helene’s adultery. He is a far more
skilled opponent than Sharpe, but skill is nothing compared to the
full force of an angry Sharpe, but the duel is broken up before
Sharpe can land the killing blow. The Marquese is killed in his
bed that night by El Matarife and
Father Hacha, and Sharpe is
accused of the murder.
Officer of the Spainish Colony of Chile
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Devil
Story Contribution
Tall, handsome. Lover of Bautista.
Giles Marriott
Army recruit
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Regiment
Story Contribution
Young and tragically romantic. Marriott has joined the army to
escape a broken heart, having been rejected in love. Sharpe
tries to advise the love lorn Marriott (much to Harper’s
amusement), but Marriott finds the harsh realities and
cruelties of the camp too hard for his poetic soul to bear.
When he hears that his sweetheart may have reconsidered, he
deserts. He flees across the marshes and into the sea where
the tide is coming in. In spite of Sharpe trying to help
save him, Marriott is shot dead, and Sharpe is forced to
bury him in the thick mud.
La Marquesa Helene Mendora
aka La Marquesa de Cassares el Grande y Melida Sabada
aka La Puta Dorada (The Golden Whore)
Unknown if she had any official status
Place of Origin:
France. Half English, half French, she married her Spanish husband on the orders of the Emperor.
Sharpe's Honour (TV)
Sharpe's Sword, Honour (Books)
"I'm off to commit adultery...LOTS of it!"
"Make sure you will come soon." (And to herself:) "But then - you always do!"
Story Contribution
Golden haired, pale of skin, mysterious, beautiful, treacherous, deadly,
she is a siren to Sharpe's hormones. She is what he lusts after in Sword,
and she is what he risks his neck for in Honour. But like most of
Sharpe's women, he is more in love with the idea of her, than
Helene herself, and he demonstrates this by being unable to
betray his own ideal, his honour, to follow her to France and
live out the war in luxury, but haunted by his conscience.
Sharpe's honour means more to him than anything, because
certainly Helene can coax Sharpe into betraying his marriage,
his friends, his orders and even himself, as he dreams of and
is tempted by a life he could never have.
Sharpe first meets Helene in Sword (book only), suspecting, but
a little too driven by an organ other than his brain to care,
that she is spying for the French in the town. She even has a
telescope turned towards the fort, but easily distracts Sharpe
from such concerns with a few soft words and touches. As it
happens, Helene is communicating with her brother in the fort,
the master spy Leroux, who also possess the other thing Sharpe
wants, the Kligenthal sword.
Once introduced to Helene, Sharpe becomes obsessed with her,
ignoring Harper, Jack
and his duties to lie with his golden mistress.
In the meantime, the British attack the forts in Salamanca. Sharpe
is gravely wounded in his pursuit of Leroux, and ironically
nursed back to health by Helene in her expensive residence.
Sharpe is just beginning to develop a taste for luxury when
duty calls and he must drag himself back to the battle field.
Helene shows up again as part of a plot by Ducos to rid himself
of Sharpe, Helene, the British and make a tidy profit on the side.
He instructs Helene to embroil Sharpe in a duel with her husband,
and when that doesn't work, has the Marquesse murdered and Sharpe
fingered for the job. Sharpe escapes the noose with a little help
from Hogan (Nairn on TV) and hunts down Helene, who is now, thanks
to the Spanish Inquisition, locked up in a nunnery. Sharpe,
little heathen that he is, breaks into the nunnery to rescue
Helene from a life of poverty and virtue. Their reunion is
warm, to say the least, but they are caught by the French and
soon Helene is asking Sharpe to bargain away his honour for his life.
Sharpe remains stubborn, and is taken to Santa Maria and
tortured by Ducos. Helene enlists her General Verigny to
rescue Sharpe from Ducos, and they wine and dine him to
make up for his rough treatment. Helene again asks Sharpe
to sign Parole, but he delays his decision by drinking
himself into unconsciousness. He manages to escape the
next day, somewhat the worse for wear, due to a fortuitous
accident with some gunpowder in the fort, with his honour intact.
Helene tries to escape the on coming British at Vitoria in her
wagons laden with her fortune, but she is caught up in the
crush and Sharpe is compelled to rescue her once more. Harper,
far more practical, starts filling his pack and Sharpe's with
tangible wealth.
Helene has her freedom, but she has no money and no country.
And no Sharpe, as he decides she is not worth the price and
accepts only a new telescope as a gift from her. A gift that
will later nearly get him courtmartialled and shot.
William Matthews
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Company
Story Contribution
16 years old with weeks of experience, young Matthews follows
Sharpe and Price around like a puppy. Unfortunately, following
Sharpe has its price. When Sharpe decides to ignore his orders
and have a go at the French, his pride gets Matthews killed,
even though it was Hakeswill, and not the French, who fired
the lethal bullet.
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Battle
Story Contribution
Rescued from being pack raped by French soldiers, Miranda decides
on Perkins for her protector in much the
way Isabella did with
Patrick in Badajoz. She becomes the young Pekin’s first love.
In the TV version Miranda is killed to keep her silence by Juanita.
Antonia Moreno
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Company, Enemy (TV and Book)
Story Contribution
Born 1810. Sharpe's daughter by
Teresa, and legitimised by virtue of Sharpe's
marriage to Teresa in Badajoz (Book). Sharpe had little to do with
the raising of his daughter as he was a fighting soldier, and,
after Teresa's death, he left his daughter in the care of her
Spanish relatives, with what money he had, and never saw her again.
Cesar Moreno
Not known
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Gold (Book)
Story Contribution
Father of Teresa.
Teresa Moreno
aka La Aguja (The Needle)
Partisan and Assassin
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Rifles, Eagle, Company, Enemy (TV)
Sharpe's Gold, Company, Sword, Enemy (Books)
"All men should have daughters. It puts honey on their tongues."
Story Contribution
Proud, clever and ruthless. In the books, Teresa escaped an arranged
marriage with a Partisan leader, El Catolico,
to run off with Sharpe.
In the series, Teresa's love is equally hard won, as after having
watched the French rape and murder her mother she had dedicated
her life to killing French, and nothing more, until she meets
Richard Sharpe. It is a difficult relationship, with Teresa
torn between her duty to herself, her promise and Spain, and
her love for Sharpe. In Eagle (TV),
she tells Sharpe she wants things to be simple, without him, but she knows she cannot live
happily without him, either. He has forced her to admit she would care
if he lived or died in battle, and she realises she would.
In Company, Teresa reveals to
Sharpe she has given birth to their daughter, and while Sharpe is digesting that bit of news, tells
him their daughter is in the town the British army is about to
lay Siege to. Sharpe nearly goes insane trying to get to Teresa
through the breach before Hakeswill does,
and only Harper can
stop him killing everything in sight. In the ruins of the chapel
in Badajoz, Sharpe makes his daughter legitimate by marrying her
In spite of his love for Teresa, Sharpe is unable to stay
faithful, falling for the rich charms of Helene
in Sword (Book)
and nearly allowing himself to be seduced by Josefina in Enemy
(Book, as he does fail in the episode). It is Sharpe's guilt over
his infidelities that make Teresa's death so much harder to bear.
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Devil (Book)
Story Contribution
The man who saved Sharpe from one of Bautistas assassination attempts. Bautista discovers this and demotes Morillo to private and sends him to the mines.
Officer and drunkard
Captain (Sharpe's Tiger)
Major (Sharpe's Company)
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Tiger, Triumph (Books)
"It is a flogging offence."
Story Contribution
Well on the way to letting drink ruin his looks and career,
Morris compensates by being cruel and dishonourable. Giving
in all too easily to the perverted whims of his Sergeant,
Hakeswill, Morris agrees to set up Sharpe for a well deserved
Morris was last heard of as serving in Dublin when Hakeswill
remembers him to Sharpe in Company.
Mungo Munro
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Gold, Battle and Sword (TV)
"Which would you rather me do Sharpe...play Bialach Na Brugar, the Munro March, or send you on a
dangerous mission?"
"Don't lick me laddie!"
"Washed in the blood of the Lamb ye should be, not just in the blood of the French."
Story Contribution
Scottish, sprightly and with a wicked sense of humour, Munro might
have been the most dangerous spymaster to ever order him into the
field, as Sharpe discovered in
Battle and Sword. Unable to play
the bagpipes to save his life, Munro can play Sharpe like a violin
though, sending the lad off on the most perilous missions and setting
him up several times in order to flush out spies and traitors. Munro
demonstrates he has no misgivings about sacrificing Sharpe if it was
expedient to do so.
John Murray
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Rifles
Story Contribution
Sharpe’s immediate superior. He is gravely wounded while retreating
from a French attack. Before he dies, he gives Sharpe his heavy
calvary sword. His death leaves Sharpe in command as an officer
for the first time in his career, and it creates a power vacuum.
Murray gave Sharpe one good piece of advice though, to win over
Harper. After quite a few fights Sharpe and uneasy alliances
manages to do this , so much so that Harper becomes his best friend.
Harper replaces the sword Murray gave Sharpe with one he has made
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British Officer
Major (TV)
Major General (Books)
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Company, Enemy, Honour (TV)
Sharpe's Enemy and Revenge (Books)
"It is bloody soldiering!"
Story Contribution
Dour, Scottish and secretive, another one of Wellington's spymasters.
It is Nairn (in the series) who sends Teresa on her fateful mission
to spy on the French in Enemy, and Nairn who arranges Sharpe's fake
execution in Honour.
In the books, Sharpe grew to genuinely like Nairn, and was quite upset
when the bagpipes heralded Nairn's death in Revenge (Book).
Napoleon Bonaparte
Emperor of France
Commander of France's armed Forces
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Waterloo (TV)
Sharpe's Waterloo, Devil (Books)
Story Contribution
Napoleon is a real historical figure who rose through the ranks to
declare himself Emperor of France. He is most famous his defeat at the
battle of Waterloo. If you want to know more, go read a book at your
local library.
In the books he is glimpsed at a distance in Waterloo, and has tea with
Sharpe in Devil.
Charles Nicholls
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Christmas (Short Story)
Story Contribution
Just 17 years old but looking 14, Nicholls dashed about the army in a uniform made for him by his mother, only to be shot, under a flag of truce, on Christmas Eve in his first ever encounter with the French.
Faithful dog to Sharpe in peacetime France.
Sharpe's equal.
Place of Origin:
Normandy, France
Sharpe's Waterloo (Book)
Sharpe's Ransom (Short Story)
Story Contribution
Big, fierce and unkempt, the dog was named Nosey on the grounds that the Duke
of Wellington, 'Nosey' to his men, had spent 20 years giving Sharpe
orders , so when Sharpe found the dog in peacetime, he decided to return the
compliment. Nosey doesn't have a huge part to play in the Sharpe saga, but he
is a valuable ally when Sharpe is out scouting in Northern France in his capacity
as Lieutenant Colonel of the Belgian Light Dragoons and as a member of the Prince
of Orange's staff. During this scouting expedition Sharpe is first alerted
to a group of French Dragoons by Nosey, who spies them and starts barking. Later
Sharpe is attacked by two of these Dragoons and is nobley helped by Nosey, who
at his command, leaps at one of the men and fends him away from Sharpe. Fortunately
some Prussians are in the vicinity and come to assist. Sharpe is unharmed.
Aware that this could be the start of an invasion prompted by Napoleon's
return from exile, Sharpe goes off report what he has seen. While Sharpe is
talking to his superior officers, Nosey is put under the charge of a young officer
called Doggett, who has the job of stopping the dog
eating all the chickens in the yard outside the inn which is being used as a
base for the Prince of Orange's headquarters.
Sharpe should be making his way to the Duchess of Richmond's Ball in
Brussels but instead he takes Doggett and Nosey to the village of Frasnes,
and there he spies a whole battalion of Voltigeurs, at least 600 of them.
Doggett and Nosey are sent back to the crossroads of Quatre Bras to wait for
Prince Bernhard and pass on the news of the French troops. Doggett is given
permission to give Nosey a good kicking, if he gives him any trouble.
After a scuffle between French troops and Prince Bernhard's troops at Quatre
Bras, Sharpe and Nosey head off to Brussels to find the Duke of Wellington,
who is attending the Ball, to tell him that the invasion of France has truly
begun and that Napoleon is gaining ground. Nosey was last seen hunting foxes with Sharpe when C
hallon decided to pay a
visit. Alas, Nosey was not of great use in seeing off those Frenchmen.
Bess Nugent
Place of Origin:
Dublin, Ireland
Sharpe's Gold (TV)
"There's enough black sheep in our family to fill a field!"
Story Contribution
Bess Nugent is the 48 year old cousin of Wellington and has come to Spain to
find her missing husband Will. When Wellington refuses to mount a search she
attaches herself to Sharpe and his men who are on a secret mission to trade
rifles for deserters. As Sharpe plans to return to camp at the conclusion of his business with the partisans holding the captured deserters, she and her daughter
Ellie leave to carry on the search themselves. She is shot and killed while
trying to evade El Casco's partisans.
Ellie Nugent
Place of Origin:
Dublin, Ireland
Sharpe's Gold (TV)
Story Contribution
Ellie is the neice of Wellington and on a mission to a find her father,
a relative Wellington had been forced to find a post for. Sent up to the
hills to make maps, Ellie's father has disappeared.
Ellie arrives in the British camp with her obnoxious mother who demands
that a search be conducted for her husband. When that request is refused,
the women strike out on their own, causing Sharpe, with a mission of his
own to deal with, no end of trouble.
Ellie, quite taken with Sharpe, flirts with him, and, upset over killing
a Frenchman, manages some more substantial comfort from Sharpe.
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Prince William
HRH Prince of Orange
Heir to the throne of the Netherlands
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Waterloo
"They should form square."
Story Contribution
Neither bright nor handsome, the young Prince spent more time whoring
than studying at Oxford. Equally incompetent on the cricket pitch and
the battlefield, the Prince is responsible for the slaughter of most
of the men under his command (including Harris and Hagman in the TV
Enraged at the Prince's cowardice and poor leadership, Sharpe decides
to do the world a favour and attempts an assassination of the Prince
under the cover of battle. However, in the book, Sharpe only wounds
the Prince and Harper mocks him for being a lousy shot.
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Royal Marine
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Siege
Story Contribution
Palmer is sent out to patrol the roads near the Teste de Buch fort with
Sharpe. Their orders are to disrupt any passing French traffic, which
they do. But upon returning, they find the fort deserted and are
forced to defend the fort against a much larger and better armed
French force before escaping with the help of Killick.
In the TV version, Palmer was one of the wounded
soldiers left behind when Bamfylde abandoned the
fort. He was adept at reading maps and found a shortcut back to the British
lines that allowed them to arrive just as Bamfylde was giving his treacherous
report to Wellington and for Palmer to confront him and charge him with treason.
Louisa Parker (Sharpe's Rifles)
Dona Louisa Vivar Countess Mouromorto (Sharpe's Devil)
Place of Origin:
Godalming, England
Sharpe's Rifles (TV)
Sharpe's Rifles, Devil (Books)
Story Contribution
Louisa Parker crosses paths with Sharpe while he's
on the run from the French, and when Louisa defies her missionary relatives
and runs away with Sharpe on his adventure, Sharpe thinks he's in with a chance
and becomes quite besotted with her, to the amusement of Harper
and the gang. Unfortunately for Sharpe, Louisa falls under the spell of the
messianic Blas Vivar and chooses to stay in Spain
and marry the Count, rather than a penniless Lieutenant.
Louise still feels she can call upon Sharpe for favours many years later when
she enlists his help to track down her husband who has gone missing in Chile.
Sharpe, as always, is unable to refuse her.
Ben Perkins
Drummer Boy (Sharpe's Rifles TV), then Chosen Man (Sharpe's Rifles TV) by way of shooting the Chassuer who was trying to shoot Sharpe.
Place of Origin:
Not stated, though Harper says Perkins is an orphan in Eagle (TV).
Sharpe's Rifles to Battle (TV), whereupon poor wee Perkins is bayoneted.
Sharpe's Battle (Book)
Story Contribution
The youngest of the Chosen Men, Perkins is recruited by way of being one
of the only survivors of a French calvary charge upon the 95th Rifles.
Perkins earns his stripe shooting a Chasseur who had Sharpe dead to
rights. Sharpe is very grateful and makes Perkins a Chosen Man.
advises Perkins to give the white cord back. But Perkins decides to
follow his hero and, emulating Sharpe's reckless bravado, is sadly
killed by some treacherous Irishmen in Sharpe's Battle (TV only as
Perkins lives in the book). Poor Perkins' time had come because he
had just found his first love, Miranda, and that's always a sign an
offing is in the offing.
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Mission
"I'd love to lay an egg in your nest."
Story Contribution
Colonel Brand's sergeant, Pope murders, steals and spies for the French. He
flirts with Romona and attempts to rape her and when Harper intervenes he
beats him down. He is caught by Sharpe and Harper when he attempts to murder
the gypsy girl Zara. He confesses all when Pyecroft ties him to a tree and
rigs him with explosives. He takes Sharpe's offer to go off and fight Harper
and is killed.
Sergeant Deron
Deserter and gourmand
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Enemy
Story Contribution
A man who loves good food more than anything else. Leading the deserters
with Hakeswill, Pot-au-Feu would rather discuss chicken recipes than
Harold Price aka Harry
Lieutenant (Sharpe's Eagle Book)
Captain (Sharpe's Regiment Book)
Place of Origin:
Hampshire, England
Sharpe's Company, Waterloo (TV)
Sharpe's Eagle, Battle, Company, Sword, Enemy, Honour, Regiment, Revenge, Waterloo (Books)
Story Contribution
Harry is young, charming, bored and a drunkard. Not entirely cut out for
army life, Harry survives in a blur of wine, women and song and pure
luck. Harry manages to be amusing and sort of makes himself the
regimental mascot. Even Sharpe grew terribly fond of the lad and
indulged him.
The youngest son of a strict religious family, Harry is a rebel without a
pause in his single minded pursuit of debauchery. It was the gambling debts
and unwanted bastards that urged Harry's father to first purchase his son
a commission as Ensign, then, four years later, another as Lieutenant.
The rest of the Company think Harry isn't long for the world, if not from a
French bullet, then from drink, the pox, a jealous husband or sheer exhaustion.
Harry manages to survive the war, in spite of serving under Sharpe.
Sharpe came to consider Harry a friend as well as a subordinate officer,
and trusted Harry enough to take him back to England in search of
recruits in Regiment.
The war was never able to rub the youthful shine or silliness from
Harry. Even under withering French fire during the battle of Waterloo,
he trips over wearing some fancy gold spurs he'd picked up off a dead
calvary officer.
Septimus Pycroft
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Mission
"I'm going to take you into the woods laddie, you'll go in a man,
how you come out is entirely up to you."
Story Contribution
Horribly disfigured, Pycroft wears a leather hood and is a law to
himself travelling the French frontier. Once a friend of Major Ross,
the friendship is now strained as Pycroft blames Ross for his injuries.
Ross needs Pycroft’s skills however to blow up the French powder depot
and Pycroft reluctantly agrees. On the way he picks up a gypsy, the
sole survivor of an attack by Brand’s Boys. Protecting her, he finds
himself with a companion, and a witness against Brand. Pycroft succeeds
in blowing up the French depot and heals his rift with Ross.
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Appah Rao
Commander of the Tippoo’s soldiers
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Tiger
Story Contribution
Loyal to the traditional Hindu rulers of Mysore, Rao chooses to side
with the British on the promise that they will restore the rightful
heir to the throne.
Place of Origin:
London, England
Sharpe's Gold
"So, no more orders. Not from you Sharpe, nor no bugger else.
Bugger the King and his shilling!"
Story Contribution
A Sergeant in the South Essex, Rodd sees the opportunity to become
a rich man in the French retreat from Spain. Holding back from Sharpe's
ambush of a French column, Rodd and his men arrive in time to loot the
dead. He refuses Sharpe's orders, and leadsthe deserters off into
the hills where, he asserts, the "Wild Men" will sell them wine, women
and food. Unfortunately for them the wild men turn out to be idol-worshipping
Aztecs. Rodd and his compatriots are lucky to escape with their skins
intact when Wellington, desperate for troops, agrees to an exchange
of deserters for Baker Rifles.
Hector Ross
British Officer and spymaster
Major General
Place of Origin:
Scotland, as the French recognise Ross from the tune bagpipes play to announce his prescence on field.
Sharpe's Regiment, Siege, Mission, Revenge (TV)
Story Contribution
Yet another Scottish spymaster, this one is friendlier than most,
letting Sharpe get away with being cheeky, duelling and generally
disregarding orders as he saw fit. Ross was also the best man at
Sharpe's ill fated wedding to Jane Gibbons. Ross was last seen
being carried wounded from the field after the battle of Toulouse.
Lord John Rossendale
Calvary Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Revenge, Justice, Waterloo (TV)
Sharpe's Regiment, Revenge, Waterloo (Books)
Story Contribution
Tall, dark and handsome, Rossendale lived the highlife in London society,
and not without cost, as his gambling debts outstripped his not
inconsiderable income. Rossendale had never been tested in battle,
having been kept on the Prince of Wales' staff, because he amused the
Prince Regent.
Originally a friend of Sharpe's, he befriended and helped Richard in the
hunt for the missing regiment.
However, calling upon Jane to deliver news of her husband's imprisonment,
he soon forgot that friendship as he took Sharpe's wife to bed and used
Sharpe's money to pay off his debts.
Rossendale uses his influence to make Sharpe's life difficult in the
peace of 1814 at Jane's behest, and finds himself unable to return
either Jane or the money.
Needing some battle glory so he may feel equal to Sharpe, whom Rossendale
knows is the better soldier, Rossendale pulls strings to get himself
posted to Brussels, without realising Sharpe is there, also. The
foolish boy didn't bother to check the Prince of Orange staff lists.
Sharpe and Rossendale cross paths at the ball, Rossendale fleeing an
insanely angry Sharpe who pursues him across tabletops and nearly kills
Rossendale and his friends there and then, and would have, if not
dragged off by Dally.
Rossendale agrees to return what's left of the money to Sharpe and
Jane curses him for his cowardice. She makes him promise to kill
Sharpe on the battlefield, as it is the only way they will be left
As the battle begins, Rossendale's horse is spooked by some rockets
and Sharpe follows him into the trees. Rossendale pulls his pistol
on Sharpe, but is unable to fire. Sharpe snatches away the pistol
and breaks it, and then breaks Rossendale's sword, as well. He
tosses Rossendale a length of rope in exchange for the promissory
note, telling him he has bought Jane now, so he can keep her.
Rossendale is deeply shamed by his broken sword and lies about
being attacked by French Hussars. He resolves to kill Sharpe,
but is cut down on the battlefield before being given the
chance, and dies, with Jane's name on his lips.
James Rothchild
aka: Agatha Parker
Banker (TV)
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Rifles
Story Contribution
Incredibly gutsy and crafty, especially with disguises, James is a banker of the legendary Rothchild banking family. He has set up a banking system for the war effort, servicing Wellington's Army from Vienna, often making the runs with the bank drafts personally. Sharpe's first mission as a commissioned officer is as part of a search party sent out to find him when he's gone missing on one of these runs.
British Officer
Wagon Master General
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Battle
Story Contribution
Overweight and prone to impressive flatulence. Runciman is Sharpe’s
nominal commander, nominal because everyone but Runciman knows Sharpe is
really in command. Poor Runciman is made the fall guy for the enquiry
into the French attack on the fort.
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Waltham Cross, England
Sharpe's Company
Story Contribution
Blonde, handsome and green, 25 years old, and rich, Rymer bought Sharpe's
command of the South Essex's Light Company, and therefore pushed Sharpe back
down to the rank of Lieutenant. An easy mark for Hakeswill's
deceitful influence, Rymer had the Chosen Men digging trenches when the French attacked the
British lines, unable to defend themselves with anything but trenching tools. He is sympathetic to Sharpe's plight, but having purchased his command, he is trying to be a good officer.
Rymer is killed during the siege of Badajoz. Sharpe, watching it all happen,
took command of the Light Company and led them through the breach. After the
battle, Colonel Wyndham asks Sharpe to command the South Essex Light Company,
raising him once again to Captain by virtue of a legitimate vacancy within the
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Priest, spy and saboteur
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Battle (Book)
Story Contribution
Seemingly kind and knowledgeable, appearances can be deceiving. Sharpe
takes quite a liking to the Father, but is ordered by Hogan
to execute the priest at a secret meeting when it is discovered it was Father
Sarsfield who was distributing the fake American newspapers amongst the Irish.
Richard Sharpe, named after the owner of the Foundling House he was raised in.
aka Dick Vaughn
Formerly a thief, now a Rifleman. Sharpe joined the army to escape being hung for murder and saw his first battle in Flanders at the age of 16. Sharpe then served in India and the Peninsular War.
Private (Sharpe's Tiger - Book)
Sergeant (Sharpe's Tiger - Book)
Ensign (Sharpe's Triumph - Book)
Lieutenant (Sharpe's Rifles -TV)
Captain (Sharpe's Eagle)
Major (Sharpe's Enemy)
Lt. Colonel (Sharpe's Waterloo)
Place of Origin:
Originally, St Giles Rookery, London, England, but lately, due to Sean Bean's accent, Sharpe's origins have been wandering farther and farther north both in Sharpe's Justice (TV) and Sharpe's Tiger (Book) so that now the lad has some South Yorkshire roots as well.
Sharpe's Rifles, Eagle, Company, Enemy, Honour, Gold, Battle, Sword, Regiment, Siege, Mission, Revenge, Justice, Waterloo (TV)
Sharpe's Tiger, Triumph, Rifles, Eagle, Gold, Battle, Company, Sword, Enemy, Honour, Regiment, Siege, Revenge, Waterloo, Devil (Books)
Sharpe's Christmas, Ransom (Short Stories)
"Your mind moves like a rocket, Theresa. I'll never know where you'll
"It's either that or wear a dress, Rocketman."
"Would you look at that--Perkins put a bullet straight through the same hole
made by Taylor."
"Begging yer pardon, Ma'am, but yer door was locked."
"Could you just wave in the general direction of the French, Sir."
"What's it matter whether they piss the pox as long as they can fight"
Story Contribution
Born to an alcholic whore who leaves him a Foundling Home, Sharpe grinds
bones and picks apart tarred ropes for a living
until sold as a sweep, when he runs away. Found and cared for by Maggie Joyce, Sharpe embarks
on his second career as a young theif, pickpocket, house breaker and
highway man.
On the run from the law for knifing one of Maggie's clients who'd gotten
a bit aggro, Sharpe is recruited into the 33rd by one
Sergeant Hakeswill. Sharpe sees his first action at the age of 16 in
Flanders. Sharpe then serves in India where he earns his Sergeant's
stripes, killing the Tippoo of Mysore, and the lift to Lieutenant for
saving Wellesley's life at Assaye.
Sharpe then serves in the Penisular Wars in Portugal, Spain and France.
He earns his Captiancy by capturing a French Eagle at Talavera, only
to lose the rank due to army bureaucracy. He wins his rank back again
by leading the charge through the breach in Badajoz. Sharpe is made a Major
by his greatest fan, the Prince Regent, and finally makes Lieutenant Colonel
by joining the Prince of Orange's staff at Waterloo.
Sharpe is a serial monogamist, first considering an offer of marriage
from Mary Bickerstaff in
Tiger, then setting his cap at
Louisa in Rifles.
Sharpe recovers from his disappointment to play hero and protector to
Josefina, who dumps him for a wealthier officer.
Then he meets, has a daughter by,
marries and then loses Teresa, the
Spanish partisan. Sharpe also has an adulterous affair with Helene, who
tends the near fatal wounds inflicted upon Sharpe by her brother Leroux,
but manages to resist the returning charms of Josefina by Teresa'a timely arrival.
After Teresa's death by Hakeswill, Sharpe is reunited with Helene, but
quickly rolls out of her bed and into that of Lady Anne. Lady Anne is not in
luck, however, and loses her bedmate to Jane Gibbons, whose portrait Sharpe
had admired and carried since taking the locket from her dead brother. Sharpe
refuses to cheat on Jane and this time is rewarded for his fidelity by
Jane, who runs off to London with all his money and takes a lover. Sharpe
consoles himself in the arms of Lucille, who, after having shot him, nurses him
back to health. Sharpe's meeting with Lucille coicides with the end of the
war and so, after fighting so long against the French, he settles down in
Normandy with Lucille and produces two more children.
In the books, until Sharpe's Battle
and Tiger, our hero is a tall,
dark, dead ringer for James Bond with a sardonic scar on his cheek.
In the films our Sharpie is an incredibly handsome blonde northerner
with a good number of interchangeable scars, bar the one above his
left eye which is real (and put there by Harrison Ford during the
making of Patriot Games). Notable battle scars and wounds which can
be seen in various episodes include the infamous flogging scars
(initially received in India as result of complaining about
Hakeswill's cruelty to the natives but now as the result of
hitting Hakeswill because he called him Lawford's toy boy),
a slice across the shoulder received from Leroux in Sword (TV),
a bullet wound to the abdomen (Sword), a gash to the knee (Eagle),
a slash across the back from a mounted Frog (Rifles - twice!),
a scar that covers up the words '100% Blade' (Sean's tattoo)
and the obligatory "scratch" to the arm that has to be held
while bleeding heroically and shrugging off all offers of first aid.
Sharpe is a fiercely ambitious man, rising from the ranks by
reckless bravery, stubbornness and luck. He is most comfortable
on the battle field. the soldier's life is the only life he's
really know, his friends the only family he's ever had. On
the battlefield he is confident, cocky, able to devious ingenious
escapes from French traps at the last moment. Off the battle
field he is lost and insecure, never belonging to the world of
the officers with money, privilege and higher learning to which
he has risen. Poor Sharpe is trapped by his own career path, because
he can never really belong to his mates back in the ranks, either.
Hated by most, respected by those he has served with, Sharpe is
his own worst enemy when it comes to love. Harper remarks on this
in the books Rifles and
Regiment, and Hogan tells Sharpe his romantic
heart will be the end of him in the film Rifles. Naive and
inexperienced in affection, Sharpe can be easily led into
trouble by more sophisticated women like the Marquesa, the spy, and
Jane, his faithless second wife who runs off with his fortune.
Sharpe is a classic hero. He's sent out on his missions, which, after
a few serious setbacks he succeeds in, but he doesn't necessarily
always win the girl, and the motives of his controllers are always
hidden behind politics and shadowy backroom deals.
John Shee
British Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Tiger
Story Contribution
Commander of the 33rd and an alcoholic. He sentences Sharpe to
2,000 lashes for striking Hakeswill. This is a death sentence but
Sharpe is spared after 202, the army having further need of him.
Percy Shellington
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Mission (TV)
"Goodnight dear Prince."
Story Contribution
Failed poet and plagiarist, the sleazy Shellington, unable to stomach
life at the front, proceeds to make a move on a bored Jane Sharpe.
Jane responds, delighting in the novelty of discussing poetry,
something she cannot do with Sharpe, who only learned to read in
his twenties.
Harris is on hand to show Shellington up for the fake that he is
and that is that.
Sir Henry Simmerson
Officer, Entrepreneur and Politician
Lt. Colonel
Place of Origin:
Essex, England
Sharpe's Eagle, Sword, Regiment, Challenge, Peril (TV)
Sharpe's Eagle, Regiment (Books)
"I always find a flogging brings on a spleen."
Story Contribution
With more money than sense or taste and completely lacking in humanity,
honour and decency, Sir Henry is the epitome of the British upper
classes. He has neither morals nor backbone, his chief weapons are
blackmail and backstabbing.
Sir Henry decides that a bit of battlefield glory will add a shine
to his political ambitions, so he raises his own Regiment, the
South Essex, with his own money and sets off for Spain. Wellesley
wants rid of him and fortunately Simmerson obliges by turning tail
and running at the first sign of the French, forfeiting his command
to Lawford.
On TV Simmerson shows up to cause more trouble for Sharpe by
betraying his night attack to the French in Sword and trying
to rape Sharpe's woman at the time.
In the book Regiment, it is Simmerson running the recruiting scam
with Fenner, funnelling recruits for the South Essex into other
less popular regiments for cold hard cash. Simmerson's plans
are foiled but he is never punished, always squirming out of
justice's reach like any wealthy man whose corrupt business
deals have been exposed. How very true to life and wonderfully
observed by Mr Cornwall.
Simmerson is also the Uncle to the evil
Christian Gibbons and
his wicked sister Jane. He turns up in India as a General in the East India Company where Sharpe finds him when he goes looking for Patrick Harper. He is his usual pompous self and manages to show his true cowardly colours once again.
In Peril, Simmerson once again stumbles into trouble where he is rescued by Sharpe. He remains in less than total control of his faculties, becoming a rather tolerable person for most of the episode and shows Sharpe his gratitude and finally his acceptance when all is said and done.
Kunwar Singh
Commander of Rao’s body guard
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Tiger
Story Contribution
In disgrace because of an indiscretion by his father, Kunwar Singh steals
Sharpe’s girl while the British are besieging the city.
British rifleman
Sharpe's Gold (TV)
"It's a wild chicken!"
Story Contribution
Sharpe's private, he was caught in a deserted village while stealing a
chicken. The provost Ayres wants to hang him on the spot but is prevented
from doing so by Sharpe. Sharpe punishes him with a blow to the chest but
upon their return to camp he is hung by the provosts for looting.
Lord Jack Spears
Exploring Officer
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Sword (TV and Book)
"As I seem to have the most unfortunate habit of loosing things, I think I'll hold on to me one good hand."
"I could betray my country, but I could never betray my friend."
Story Contribution
Handsome, devil-may-care reckless fool, Jack Spears is one of the
few officers who genuinely befriends Sharpe as an equal. Spears
has a title, but no money, so he does not see himself as any
better than Sharpe, and Sharpe respects Jack's bravery as an
Exploring Officer, riding behind enemy lines in full uniform
so as not to be mistaken as a spy.
But a spy Jack is. In the series this is telegraphed by the fact
that Jack has a disability, having lost one arm (though in the
book it is merely in a sling), as though indicating Jack has
been compromised emotionally as well as physically. Though
amusing Sharpe when he isn't engaged with Helene (in the book)
by dragging him to parties, Jack hides a dark secret. He has been
forced to betray England to France under hideous torture by
Leroux. It is Sharpe who uncovers this treachery, via a
confession from Jack.
In the book, Jack, dying from his wounds, is left among
the battlefield's honoured dead by Sharpe. In the episode,
Sharpe sends Jack off to a hero's death, leading the attack
against the French held fort.
Lady Juliet Spindacre (Book)
Lady Molly Spindacre (TV)
Professional Widow
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Revenge
Story Contribution
A recently widowed social climber, it is she who convinces Jane
to leave Sharpe and take the money and she who helps Jane spend
it. Of course, once the money is gone, so is Lady Spinacre.
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Regiment, Revenge (Books)
Story Contribution
Sharpe's horse was a present from Jane. The poor horse had it's
head blown off by a cannon ball during the battle of Toulouse.
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Thomas Taylor
Rifleman, 60th Royal American Rifles
Place of Origin:
Tennessee, America
Sharpe’s Enemy, Siege (Books)
Story Contribution
The only real American left in the Royal American Rifles,
Taylor is also the best shot in the unit. When rescued by
the American privateers from the fort, Taylor decides to
stay on board and serve with his countrymen. Sharpe and
Frederickson cover for him by recording him missing in action.
Ruler of Mysore
Place of Origin:
Mysore, India
Sharpe’s Tiger
Story Contribution
Fat, intelligent and ruthless, the Tippoo is the Muslim ruler of
the Hindu city of Mysore. Mindful of the sectarianism within
the city, he rules with his army, his jettis, whom can be
called upon to torture and murder prisoners, and his pet
tigers, who then eat said prisoners. Amongst his vast
array of possessions, the Tippoo owned a wind up clock
that featured a wooden tiger mauling a wooden British
soldier, and a large ruby, which Sharpe stole when he
killed the Tippoo.
Isiah Tongue
Never actually elaborated upon, though he has some religious teaching prior to becoming a rifleman.
Corporal (Sharpe's Rifles, Eagle TV)
Place of Origin:
England. In Rifles (TV) he states that he doesn't know his family or origins.
Sharpe's Rifles to Eagle (TV)
Sharpe's Rifles to Gold (Books)
Story Contribution
Steady, dependable and quiet, tall, dour and humourless and forever quoting the bible, he's known nothing but a foundling home and the Army.
Tongue disappears after season one.
Matthew Truman
Rebellious spokesman for the mill workers.
Place of Origin:
Yorkshire, England
Sharpe's Justice 1814(TV)
"Maybe fate threw us together, but you were no friend of mine. You
were some troublesome runt then, same as you are now!"
Story Contribution
Matt Truman appears in Justice as the rebellious spokesman of the
downtrodden mill workers of Yorkshire. He holds meetings in secret and is
considered an 'outlaw'. He even has a 'price on his head'.
With the war over Richard Sharpe is ordered to his native Yorkshire to lead
a private milita, to keep the mill workers in line.
Fair, bad tempered, stubborn, reckless and quick to a fight,
Truman is Sharpe's childhood rival and friend. Now actively
opposing the near martial law imposed on the mill workers,
he and Sharpe come to instant blows, being caught on
opposite sides of the conflict.
Sally Bunting tries to organise a reconciliation between the
two men, revealing that Truman is also a bastard child of
Lizzie Sharpe.
Sharpe and Truman grew up together in the Workhouse not knowing they were
brothers. As children they always fought. Truman tries to get rid of
Sharpe, seeing his role in Yorkshire as a betrayal of the people he grew up
Eventually Sharpe discovers that Truman is his brother and that the Mill
owner he's working for is greedy and corrupt. He decides to change sides and
join Truman.
Sharpe and Truman meet at their mother's grave to talk, but
Truman is killed almost immediately after this revelation, by
the other members of the Militia. Sharpe takes on the corrupt mill owner, gaining his release from the militia as a result and is free to return to Normandy.
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Earl of Uxbridge
Second-in-command to Lord Wellington at Waterloo, also commander of the Allied cavalry at Waterloo
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Waterloo
"Gentlemen, I give you today's fox."
Story Contribution
The officer whom Rossendale served under.
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Don Blas Vivar
Count of Mouromorto
Spanish Officer, later Colonial Governor
Major (Sharpe's Rifles)
Capitan General (Sharpe's Devil)
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Rifles (TV)
Sharpe's Rifles, Devil (Books)
Story Contribution
Enigmatica, deeply religious and deeply loyal to Spain, Vivar
continues to fight the French after the defeat of Spain as a
partisan. In the books he woos Louisa Parker as well as
undertaking his mission to fly the gonfalon of Saint James in defiance of France.
In the TV version Vivar fights alongside Teresa, and while
heartened to see the budding romance between Sharpe and Teresa,
also warns Sharpe not to break her heart.
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Charlie Weller
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Regiment (TV)
Sharpe’s Regiment, Waterloo (Books)
“Can I bring my dog?”
Story Contribution
Young, keen and a dog fancier. Charlie is recruited into the
South Essex’s second battalion by Horatio Havercamp, but finds
army life is not how expected it to be, especially as he finds
himself in a secret camp run by Simmerson.
Fortunately Sharpe
has been similiarly recruited and he can see in Charlie the
makings of a good soldier, and tries his best to look out for the lad.
Charlie’s dog, Buttons, is shot by Colonel Girdwood who
hates and fears the creatures. When Sharpe takes Charlie
and the best of the recruits back with him to Spain,
they all adopt dogs as pets to upset the Colonel. Charlie
survives the Battle of Waterloo, although Hagman
and Clayton,
standing beside him, fall.
Sir Arthur Wellesley
aka Lord Wellington
Viscount Wellington of Talavera
Marquess of Wellington
Grandee of Spain
Duque de Ciudad Rogrigo
Commander of the British and Portuguese forces in Spain
Field Marshall
Place of Origin:
Dublin, Ireland.
Sharpe's Rifles, Eagle, Company, Enemy, Honour, Gold, Battle, Siege, Mission, Waterloo (TV)
Sharpe's Tiger, Triumph, Eagle, Gold, Battle, Company, Honour, Siege, Waterloo (Books)
"You've just done me a damn good turn, Sharpe. Now I'm going to do you a damn bad one."
"We can't have two geniuses in the Peninsula."
Story Contribution
Played by two different actors in the series
(David Troughton series one, Hugh Fraser thereafter),
Wellington is cold, haughty, imperious and impatient.
Sharpe's reluctant patron, having risen Sharpe from the
ranks in gratitude for Sharpe saving his life (in Spain on
TV and in India in the books), Wellington is uncomfortable
with the ruffian but not above using Sharpe as a weapon
against the French, counting on Sharpe's stubbornness,
recklessness and cleverness to get the job done, as well as
occasionally approving the pimping of Sharpe for information
from glamorous spies like the Marquesa.
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Justice (TV)
Story Contribution
A smarmy little yes man and thug for hire, Wickham sat out
the war practising his fencing skills and polishing his uniform.
When Sharpe arrives to take up his post in the yeomanry, Wickham
humiliates the hero of Talavera with a show of fancy fencing.
Wickham is also being employed to stir up the local population
and engage in industrial espionage, disguising it as luddism,
and setting up Truman to take the blame. Wickham and his cronies
hunt and kill Truman, and would like to do the same to Sharpe.
Only Sharpe shows Wickham how to win a real sword fight.
British Officer
Lt Colonel
Place of Origin:
Sharpe’s Revenge
Story Contribution
Wigram oversees Sharpe’s courtmartial for the crime of
stealing the Emperor’s treasure. In the TV version, it
was Wigram who called Sharpe out in a duel, and escaped
with a bullet wound to his behind. He is also courting
Jane’s fair weather friend, Lady Spindacre.
Brian Wyndham
British Officer
Lt. Colonel
Place of Origin:
Sharpe's Company (TV)
Sharpe's Company, Sword (Books)
"So Sharpe it's back to Lieutenant ye are."
Story Contribution
Lawford's replacement as colonel of the South Essex
after the siege of Cuidad Rodrigo. A kindly man, obsessed with hunting and the
kind regard of his wife Jessica. Wyndham sends Sharpe
back to quartermaster duties, unable to find any other use for him. When the
Colonel's wife's portrait is stolen by Hakeswill,
Harper is blamed and flogged. Wyndham is overjoyed
when Harper returns the painting, but saddened at the loss of his friend Jack
Collett during the siege of Badajoz.
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